Tri-City Herald from Pasco, Washington (2024)

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tw 1 A4' 2 Fastest i Growing Newspaper Serving America's Fastest Growing Area A Newspaper of the People By- the People And For the People Air Force Works Out New Bomb Attack Technique For Long Range B-36s WASHINGTON April 11 The air force is work ing out a completely new bombing attack technique to fit its ultra-long range B-36 strategic warplanes One of the problems came to light today in testimony of an air force general to the house appropriations committee in recent hearings on the military appropriations Because the six-engined B-36 intercontinental bomber operates so high and so far it was necessary to build an aerial camera which could take pictures at altitudes of more than eight miles to show targets and attack results on these targets Maj Gen Stone of the air materiel command disclosec lie explained that with the 'Pasco Kennewick Richland Wash' Monday' April 11 1949 Dramatic Efforts To Rescue Increased Revenues Cited As Reason For Smaller Fund Ask -i WASHINGTON April 11 UP) The population of the atomic energy town of Hanford Wash is going up but costs to the government for running the community are dropping The explanation was given by David Shaw deputy manager of operations at the Hanford project to the house appropriations sub committee which held hearings on AEC appropriation requests His testimony was made public today Shaw testified the present population of Hanford Is about 23000 By the end of 1950 it is expected to be 25000 Last year congress granted $12329831 for construction equipment and operation and maintenance of the city For the fiscal year beginning next July 1 the Atomic Energy commission asked only $2873901 a decrease of more than $9500000 have now essentially completed or will have com new K-40 cameras ihe B-36s could "come in take a picture and go out without being caught" Stone's published testimony showed no further discussion of B-36 tactics But taken together with previously disclosed Information it served to point to other probable trends in B-36 strategy BIGGEST SO FAR No other existing plane In the USAF can fly as far as the B-36 (it was designed for 10000 miles and some airmen believe it eventually can exceed 12000) Therefore only a B-36' can be used for the reconnaissance essential to any strategic attack The air force has announced plans up to now for only four B-36 wings With these wings at the newly planned strength of 30 planes per wing the air force would have a total of about 120 B-3Gs Because of the demands for reconnaissance less than half of the force might be available for bomb-carrying missions uses" atom'bombs There is a compensating factor however The B-36 is intended to attack with atom bombs The average target will require only one or two of these mass-destruction missiles Thus strategic attack with B-36s may be made by very small mislsons or perhaps by only single planes as in the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki It is to be expected that where more than one B-36 is used against a single target the actual bombing "runs" above the target will not be made in formation as was done in the conventional-bomb strategic attacks of the last war Holdup Man Waving Gun Quits Race An atempted holdup in North Richland early Sunday turned into a footrace the patrol reported today -Richard of-tavern number twe the intend-' id victim told this story: lie and Mrs Grosley dosed Ihe tavern about 12:30 a and to their trailer home at 624 Avenue As they started to get out of the car a masked inan raised up from the back seat and pointed a pistol at Grosley Mrs Grosley jumped out of ihe car and ran away screaming The thug never' said a word Grosley too jumped out of the car and ran The would-be holdup man pursued him silently waving his gun but the tavern keeper outdistanced him Grosley said that when the thug saw he was being outrun he turned and headed toward the John Ball school The tavern owner told the patrol the gunman wore a mask that looked like the kind children wear at Halloween An artist's sketch above by Fredrle Eddy of the Lot Angeles Times shows how Kathy Fiscal 3J4 was trapped In a 14-inch pipe nearly an estimated 100 feet below the surface of a vacant lot near her home at San Marino Calif In the other picture two men comprising a hand excavation team are lowered 80 feet into the pit dug beside the water pipe in which 3 4-year-old Kathy Fiscus was trapped On the surface silent spectators watch the dramatic rescue attempt Arrow indicated spot where the 14-inch water pipe reaches the surface The story of Kathy appears elsewhere on this page (AP Wlrephotos) Sheriff State Patrol Nab 13 In Pasco Ebid Single Copies 5c fUl InJ Mass Rites Planned For Blast Victims MARION April 11 This small South Dakota town today planned a mass funeral for the six holy week worshippers killed Sunday as a blast demolished St Catholic church Bishop William Brady of Sioux Falls Diocesan head tentatively set Wednesday for the mass rites for the elderly victims who died as they knelt in prayer Forty-seven other persons were Injured several critically The brick church was shattered by a basem*nt explosion a few moments before the 9 am Palm' Sunday mass was to begin Only the entrance bell tower re mained standing A small firs that followed was quicky put out A Kennewick resident KIppesis a former -member of the parish "Klppes told the Herald this morning that the church was originally built about 75 years ago The wooden structure was torn down and the brick church was rebuilt about 35 years ago he said He was well acquainted with the victims he added Church officials attributed the blast to escaping bottled furnace gas Phil Wachendorf' a parish-oner said blew up" when he threw a furnace switch Others were pinned under bricks and timbers which had to be pried loose to free them The church had a seating capacity of 250 but only about 75 worshippers were in their pews Many o' hers stood in small groups outside while waiting for the mass to begin They escaped injury 8 Days Pass I Girl Is Still Unconscious: Dorothy Craven 16 is still unconscious today eight days after she was Injured critically when a car in which she was riding crashed into a tree near Richland Kadlec hospital attendants reported little or no change in her condition Miss Craven who lived at 1203 Symons suffered multiple head injuries Two other occupants of the car were injured less seriously They were Richard Toven Barracks 220-D room 14 North Richland and LaVeme Neal Davis trailer court Richland Toven Is charged with reckless driving Faces TB Count CHEHAUS Apr 11 David Riffe 28 was charged yesterday with failure to obey an order of the Lewis county health officer to appear for a tuberculosis examination VoL XLVI No 265 Pictures Show First Basin Water Check Is Mailed A check for $787106 representing the first payment for vater under the 10-yepr deycl- opinent period on the Columbia' Basin project has been mailed to the bureau of reclamation by the South Columbia Irrigation district covering the 84 farm units of the Pasco pumping plant project This check represents the minimum charge for the year 1949 for all 84 farm units Every unit must pay this minimum charge whether any water is used or not Last year a few farms paid (or water actually used but this was not counted as part of the 10-year development period Charges for the 10-year period are less than those levied later to enable the farms to be developed and brought into full production More than half the farms are now under cultivation and are receiving water So far the proportion of those using rill irrigation and sprinkler systems is about evenly divided Nab Speeding Cab Drivers Two Pasco cab drivers have learned that it's not considered good form to race their cabs on city streets They are Frank Bena and Jay CL Read both booked for negligent driving officers Alexander and Whatley were cruising along Lewis street at 1:25 a today when they saw two cabs leave their stand between Second and Third rubber" in turning left on Third and continue to Columbia at high speed The cabs turned left again at Columbia and raced east one trying to pass the other and the police officers said they nearly collided at Columbia and Tacoma That was about as far as they' got The policemen stopped them and handed their drivers tickets Tot In Well Hoover Hits Expenditures On Defense WASHINGTON April 11 (UP) Former President Herbert Hoover declared -Today that --waste- in military spending is "startling" and defense expenditures are imperiling" the na tion's economy Mr Hoover told the Senate armed services committee that Congress allocates billions of dollars without accurate knowledge as to why the money is needed and what it is being used for He urged reorganization of the military establishment along the lines recommended by his government "streamlining" commission Major emphasis he said must be aimed at eliminating "staggering waste" Mr statement was made as Chairman Tom Connal-ly of the Senate foreign relations committee said that the cost o' rearming Europe must be kept small as possible" Mr Hoover In his statement said: -military burden to day added to our other expend! tures is seriously imperiling the economy of the country There are great savings to be made in the (military) department" Mr Hoover appeared before the committee amidst growing demands in Congress that military spending at home be trimmed to balance cost of the forthcoming Arms for Eutope program Man Gets Rough Sunday Welcome SEATTLE April 1L Rob ert Kaupp of Wenatchee got a rough Palm Sunday welcome in Seattle While he was being held up early yesterday morning by two teen-age youths he was struck in the face and knocked to the sidewalk He said one of the youths held his' hand in his pocket as If holding a concealed pistoL A Fort Lawton soldier was held up by the same pair They were arrested shortly afterward Police said they admitted the holdups Both are 16 ICC Rejects UP Rate Reductions WASHINGTON April 11 (UP) Interstate Commerce commission has rejected a plan which would have permitted the Union Pacific railroad to reduce rates on large petroleum shipments from Salt Lake City to Washington Oregon and Idaho The led ruled in effect that since the proposed lower rates would apply to large shipments only they were not Hjust and reasonable" Commissioners said the lower rates proposed by the railroad company would deprive Califor--nia and coastal barge lines of a major part of their business The barge lines the commissioners said are not now doing capacity business The barge lines which operate along the coast and on the Columbia and Willamette riv-ers had opposed the lower rates which first were requested by the Union Pacific last September The railroad asked the ICC to let it cut shipping rates to about 1368 cents per 100 pounds on shipments of refined petroleum oils gasoline and fuel oils which ran over 210000 gallons The rate for large shipments figured on a mileage and weight basis and is considerably higher The Union Pacific wanted the lower rates to apply on all 240 000 gallon-plus shipments from Salt Lake City and Woods Cross Utah to Spokane and Walla Walla Umatilla Boise and all Intermediate points $1500000 Ice Haifcor WASHINGTON April 11 I Senator Cain (R-Wash) asked today that $1500000 be made available to Mart work this year on Ice Harbor dam and reservoir on the Snake river He proposed that the money be provided in the first deficiency appropriation bllh As the bill now stands it uould appropriate i $10500000 to army engineers for uork on McNary and Chief Joseph dams on the Columbia river in Washington and Oregon Under an amendment by Cain the amount would be increased to $11500000 with $1500000 of it set aside for the Ic Harbor project in Washington state The original budget estimate presented to the house called for $11500000 for McNary Chief Joseph and Ice Harbor The house cut the amount to $10-500000 leaving it to the engineers to make an apportionment between the three projects Later the senate appropriations committee wrote into the bill that none of the 110500000 was to be used for Ice Harbor and the money was to be divided between McNary and Chief Joseph dams The proposed appropriations would be to carry on work for the remainder of the fiscal year ending next July EASTERN WASHINGTON Partly cloudy today clear tonight Tomorrow fair but Increasing high cloudiness Cooler today and tonight High temperatures 62 to 72 both days Low tonight 34 to 44 Fresh westerly winds today decreasing tonight WESTERN WASHINGTON Cooler today and tonight High temperatures 55 to 65 both days Low temperatures tonight 35 to 45 pleted by the end of 1949 the construction program for the village" Shaw explained 'The remaining part is the $1958000 remaining in 1950" Shaw said the fund for operation and maintenance will drop from $1777625 during the current fiscal year to $915901 for the year beginning July He added: LARGER COMMUNITY explanation for the reduction lies essentially with the fact that- we are operating a larger community now and therefore our revenues have increased by virtue of an Increased population whereas we have essentially held our town management force to a constant Shaw said the 1958000 planned for new construction at Hanford would be spent as fol-lows Grade school $1225000 roads and streets 000 sidewalks curbs and gutters $100000 erosion and pollen control $15000 irrigation of public areas $100-000 storm sewers $30000 parks and- recreation $50000 -Toof placement south reservoir $45-000 electricity metering $8000 relocation of existing buildings $50000 RECOMMEND CUT Reporting the independent offices money bill today the ap-priations committee recommended a cut from 45374586 to in cash and contract authority for the community service program for all Atomic Energy commission projects There was no direct indications how this would affect the Hanford requests committer jald in its repo: on the Independent offices appropriations bill (which includes the Atomic Energy commission) that it felt AEC should give consideration to the reduction of expenses at Hanford as well as at Los Alamos "The cost of town operations Including the number of employes hired by the contractor at each of these points is excessive and the commission should require substantial reductions in new contracts to be negotiated this spring or to give serious consideration to taking over op ration by the government" the committee said The contractor for operation sf the Hanford community is General Electric Co AEC off! dais testified that the company Is paid $200000 a month for this work Banker Who Fled Asks Examination NEW YORK April 11 Counsel for Richard Crowe accused of fleeing with 1883660 from the bank where he worked today asked a mental examination for him Federal Judge Alfred Coxe Indicated he would order the examination within two days The court put off until April 26 Crowe's arraignment on a four-count federal indictment If convicted he could draw a maximum of 45 years in prison and $30000 in fines State patrol and the Franklin county sheriffs office-State' Pa-trpl Sergeant Paul Schlagel and Sheriff Harve Huston directed -the raids 7 Arrested were Jack Evans Evelyn de la Grange (alias Evelyn Hudson) Maxine Lynch Connie Brantner Jean Jarvis Delores Garcia Angelo Momo-life and Warren Ramey at the East Side rooms and Billie Williams Patricia Ryan Kitty Brooks Johnetta Vinson and Wallace Potter at 126 4 West Lewis All will be arraigned at 1:30 pm today in Franklin county superior court on charges of vagrancy operating a house of prostitution or related charges No liquor or concealed weapons were found according to Sneriff Huston The East Side rooms were locked up all around and had to be broken Into Huston said The street door at 126ft West Lewis was unlocked but the upstairs doors were locked and likewise had to be broken down Presidential Unit Against RR Demands WASHINGTON April 11 A presidential emergency board today recommended against granting union demands for an additional engineer' on multiple-unit diesel locomotives The Brotherhod of Locomotive Engineers has made a demand on most western railroads for the additional engineer It threatened a strike if the demand was not granted A strike was called for Jan 31 but President Truman stepped in with appointment of the board to Investigate the dispute Under the railway labor act the union was required to hold off a walkout pending the study The board finding is not binding on the union or railroads The union has 30 days in which to accept or reject the recommendation Thirteen persons are being held in Franklin county jail today following simultaneous raids at 11:15 Saturdavon two itsected houses tutlon in Pasco one at the Eastj Side rooms and one at 126 ft West Lewis street The raids were conducted by 12 members of the Washington No JRichland Office Vote Tomorrow About 1000 North Richland office worwers will vote tomorrow on whether they want the Office Employees International Union (AFL) to represent them Voting will be at polling places In the working area both Inside and outside the barricades Hours will be a and The election will be conducted by the National Labor Relations board Persons eligible to vote include typists bookkeepers file clerks accountants stenographers etc employed by Atkinson-Jones Newberry Neon Electric company and Urban-Smyth-Warren Hazel Scott Case On May 10 Docket WALLA WALLA Wash April 11 The case of Hazel Scott who charged she was refused service in a Pasco Wash restaurant today was placed on the court calendar here for May 10 The Negro nianlst said Mr and Mrs Harry Utz refused to serve her when she-stopped for a meal while traveling through Pasco Boat Capsizes SEATTLE April 1L An 18-foot power boat capsized In Lake Washington yesterday and Victor Olson and his seven-year-old daughter Sally were drowned Mrs Olson and twin sister Susan were among five survivors Dungenness Crab Landings Are Low ABERDEEN April 11 UP) A total of 44203 dozen Dungenness crabs were landed at the West-haven dock at Westport last month Port of Grays Harbor authorities said today The March landings brought the 1949 deliveries to 98970 dozen In the same three-month period last year landings totaled 117515 dozen Salmon catches are only a fraction of the 1948 total The March figure on salmon was 768 pounds and the year to date 1295 pounds Last year deliveries totaled 58006 by the end of March Gales Kill 11 BERLIN April 9 Gales up to 75-mlles-a-hour swept Germany yesterday killing 11 persons and making scores homeless The winds toppled bomb-gutted buildings and forced evacuation of other war weakened structures Five Germans died tinder falling debris in Berlin six on the North Sea coast Tiny Kathy Is Brought Up Dead From Her Tomb In The Well went down more than 75 feet before it was abandoned Its sides started 0 sMde after A Kelly had cut -a window at 57 fret and sa'd he saw the girl armband dress When it nc a smaller 30-inch shafts was driUed ciAn cr and a 24-lnch casing surh Tim the iv cue shaft through which Kath finally as reached It took heroic measures and steadfast battling against hure and on wa er Men who had never head of the Fiscus family before risked their lives without a second thought Early today the final chapter was written Bulldozers were working fullr tilt filling up the rescue pits' a And so there would be no repetitions for other Kathys and their moms and A giant bulldozer dug in and bent the top of the old Well casing over double and scaled it tight SAN MARINO Calif April 11 The world Is a little sadder today Little Kathy Fiscus was brought up dead from her well tomb after 52 hours All mothers and fathers shared in some measure the grief that overcame David and Alice Fiscus when the body of their tow-headed three-year-old was found lying in water wedged about 100 feet down in the 14-Inch pipe The announcement of death by drowning at 858 (PST) last night brought to a tragic end the tireless digging of weary rescuers and the anxious waiting of sympathizers everywhere Even though nothing had been heard from the child since about an hour after she plunged into the abandoned old casing hope and prayer filled most human hearts How else account for a crowd of more than loOOO which watched final rescue efforts? Those efforts took in all 52 hours but it would have been the same if she could have been reached In two hours Dr Robert McCullock family physician said Kathy had been dead ast heard from Friday Then her terrified screams drifted faintly up to her mother efforts to have her grab a rope failed and all was silent There was still water in the old well after 45 years The parents had received the news at home And soon the crowd numbering hundreds of other parents began breaking up silently Thus culminated the most concerted rescue attempt of an individual since Floyd Collins was fatally trapped in a Kentucky cave in 1925 That lasted days in this hours seemed like days It started after Kathy running a footrace with her' elder sister Barbara nine and a cousin Gus Lyon five fell behind in the dash across the vacant lot in the corner of her block When the older children turned around there was no Kathy They called and looked and Gus almost felt into the concealed well-hole himself when he heard a faint scream cornin'? up from The kids ran for their mothers Mrs Fiscus ccUed to her youngest FrcnG ed screams yes came up in answer io all the questions The fire department and police were summoned A rope was dropped and Kathy to grip it But she couldn't fasten it around herself as firemen hoped The rope went loose as Kathy slipped into her tomb From all of southern California: men came with equipment to free the tot from the narrow pipe But plight soon became the common problem of folks everywhere The men and machines worked without sleep stubbornly determined to lift Kathy into the bright sunlight above ground Bulldozers clamshell cranes and rotary well diggers went into full swing One pit 30 feet wide.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.