The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

1 TTIE AILY STAYDADD-UXIOX BROOKLYN. SDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1S90. EALETSTE AT irCTKlT BtMvJfto Aftn rmtcuL HvrRrcnoT FIFTY YEARS. THE PLAYHOUSES TO DJlQ lowed up iu a wonderful glare aud downpour of electric ram, which, together with the sulphurous, red flames, tbe rattle of thunder aud the lightning darting hither and thither, presented a 8cne that, though tbeir ignorant of the conditions prevailing in Had could hardly warrant them in calling it realistic," nevertheless luiprefesed tba audience as being about tbs sort of scene they might expect to participate unless tney become like tbe Little 5oy in tbe nurserv rbvma, very, very good.

No sweeter Marguerite could be desired than Rosabel Mornaon, and, eludes, she proved herself to be a very capable actress. Uarne Carters Martha was ae amusing a performance as she made it last season, and Porter J. White was a careful had effective Valentine. Charles B. Welles, though just atrifie lacking In force, gave a pleasing and promising impersonation of tbe title role, his best work being done in tbe first ect.

As bas been before remarked this column, Mr. Morrisons conception of tbe part of Mephisto is adroit and powerful Hiscim-cwm devilish as ltomot to ot course, under tbe circ*mstances but attractive; and then, again, he bright and racy and full of spirits. Hit is a kind of devil whose chief power lies just where we mortals would suppose it should lie be is an engaging, fiendish, companionable, plausible, deceiving demon. Hjs impersonation of the character is one every one should see. 41 his perfect accent.

that she made the proposal of mainagef" She did," saul Hilda. And tbat be explained to her tbat he did not love ber in tbat wav, and that be was nn fit and nnwilim? to marry Clearly and repeated! said Hilda. And toat, alter being led into ooe engagement, ne broke it and left her, qply to be pulled back again!" He I am forced to agree with these gentlemen against the lady. Boa was most cruelly to troe." Hildas eyes dwelt on him moment ad Daringly, as be uttered tbe quiet bat impre-live syllables. Toen she studied the ether speakers.

Ii make, no difTreoc in a cam like that, Baundars twoke oat, whether its a man or a woman. To play on a per-oa like that, aod win turn agajQst his will through his worst aud weakest nature! She was a criminal! But sbe loved him," said Hilda. Love! Do you call tbat love To ruin a man's life! Mr, Saunders horror overcame him and be became Hilda Waroe sat quiet lor a few minutes. wAnd yon, Mr. Clarke Of course I say tbe samfe.

Sorry, to a woman, but she was a selfish wretch Ida heaved a long sign. VY Ml, my friends he said at length, hope you are honest. I have made erne error iu my story, just a tnfia Ths facts are ail tea same, but the sexes are reversed. It is tbe lory of my friend. May Henderson, aod her husband.

Toe Count looked mildly surprised, and seemed trying to rebuild the tale ou a new bh'-is in bis mind. But Saunders spoke vehemently. Vbv, Hilda, it's not the same case at alt John Hendersons a capital fellow, a real emus. Aoa his wife was a nervous hypochondriac. It was ths kindest thing ths ever did, ber departure." Hilda regarded him softly with her great brown eyea But she used to be a paragon of health, and of most brilliant promise.

Aud abe sold him si did not wish to marry-t-was not able or willing." Baundefb laughed scornfully. Plenty of girls would sav that," he answered, Sue was a oeauuful creature, aud be bad a perfect right to marry ber if he could. 6ns need not let him if sne really did not want to it was a free country." lam so glad it is a free country," said Hilda, rising. I am quite satisfied with your answer, George. Dont you think it will do for toat single instance you mention 1 last I see." he replied, in a restrained voice, A erv pretty htt.e Irani Its a woolly different matter when you chsnge tne rex, cried Mr.

Clarks, vehemently. It alters ar everything!" Bo I see," said Hilda. But, madame," the Count quietly rotor-posed, you say the tale remains fcn same. Identical? Exactly the same. Coant Stefan." Ibeo surely tbe judgment is the soma, the man was ibe criminal Eictwe me, 1 must bid you good-by, here broke in Mr.

Saunden "I tin going to too to-night, and tail (Teduetiay, aa I toll you. Howard ts going to wane down with me." Tbe farewells were soon said, and somewhat coldly. bbail we not go back together!" asked Mr, Chrke, seem her also preparing to start, Thank you, do," said she, I am going by the upper path." May I acoomnanv you!" akei the Count, if you care for climbing and a high wind," she answered. And they went together. Kate Field's Wash tnaton.

FRASM TRUST' Franklin 1S3 Remsen SLroci. Capital, Surplus Over $350,000, Aathomel hT law a net aa execute-. titniD ter. trustcN, guardian SkUU u. sdftti advantteo sa ui h- lb A LLuAjm iihirOHT FOB MoNhlb.

ALiowft iNThbiroYrnLsrTi Oners its sdryiccs sa hnvira1tiy ler st IKIU h. OP 1 OKt'OHAI lvN MoRfHHi RkUlM 1 ORl HANS) rR for lOkMni riovs ou minu i-ai ttf LOASft ON APFSOU4) TIF Checks oa this naapaur aud bo paid through tog Mew ork Ciearibg Kouet i DWiif Av kARD, M. H. WA IUOK. Vice.

fTesft. (hu H. Souru 4 RD. ,1 Yico-Prert A 8tof TRCsSTKKa A Lew, Ldwin Pickard, John Winsjow, K. Huntington, liar win K.

Janiae. Alexander vrr, Jotei'b Brown. John B- Woodwsnl to. Wall som. Frukiin E.

Taylw, H. HcnghtoUft AlbroJ. Nwa Crowell Haddea. Wm. Msnuieu.

eux Cemp eti Cv H. okcotl, C-eo. U. feelase tv a. Heed.

Tbedors Drsier. THR NassauTrustCo. IOI I3road.way. Uixx3lclvu-Capital 6500,000. IVposlta received on time or subject choek.

Interest aUowod sn fiai.vhsaawa aod tales on dcpoeite tor a spoovaed time Autoonw jy law to s't os outer, Aflnainva trator. Uoardian, Trusts HsoeiroC, risoal Traustor Agent aa RegisWar of Btovts toi Bonds; is a sgol depository for TruM k'uuos had tor oners paid into omrt A. 2X VtHKLLOL iC Pttol tcti 1 iLLlAV JOILN THUflLO w. 1 OH A RDSON, Beocetaryv AklSTtvtvH. vs, non, A.

baud. arwi iti Jamsto H. Kciftwt K. A Tuiua, John TTuaioY. Thomas Rowland ill mas Jewell, W.

Wurstee, Bernard Petera m. h. HtyrwiU George H. Prentiss, John T. Willett haries H.

insV John LoQcbraA D. Wood, Wm. 11. XlMA Joseph KaanJh Joel Free nan, Wm. P.

Gtmwa A I) Wheeioog, Kdwarfl T. Uoiatir Otto Huber. John MoLoughUtti JOB. RftNDRLX, President. J09.

B.U1UTB, flov rotary. KINGS COUNTY TRUST CO. 373 Fultoa Street, OrPOflITE CITY HALU BHOOKLTW, T9. T. OMHe sditrwft.

Ttoephono nnmW Riaga. BrooMyu." BrooKlya Cagltsl, Ssrslss, SftSO.OOih INTRBAar ALLOWED ON LSPOhlXdk likCsrEEft P. t. Ptnuuitf, Jixspft 0. J.

Uh Jnnkliis, H. H. flvhsrmaato to uusTj Uom, i har totilteui tiftfii W. BUM, Mens May, A 'trail am Ahraho J. tiatea ti UUam ittac.

XX W. Meti li'iAdfiti 7. t. Woo-irnit D. I).

Baird, W. Noribaflk EV. Wtute. Owft- Ruiirti Felts CamptftalL Marian t. urene P.

iVjn''5, lUutin V. tti sufftiw J. ihm h. BEN 8UNCIIAKO, rreeldontp B. BL COttWIft, Vmtitr Usosgsik The Empire Loan and Trust Company, 185 Montagu $trt Capital Paid Up Declared Bnrpltu $100,000.00 nfYEfTMftTE First Mortgaged span Improved Baal Haiti peMntard tfonds paying 6 par oeak and 7 par deal Interest, Fnyobta MmtiahaaaUy at tha DANK OF TUK lUaUUHG, Ns.

I Wall N. Y. Clin rnt 11 PEOPLES TRUST CQIPASY, 172 MONTAGUS 6T. CkFTTAl, (PAID ai Hnxft Kecelvea numey on deposit, subleet to Chant oA ilxliU sad ailowa totvrmt oa ths aaaiA Cherks draws ugj It pass through tbs York Clearing Houaa IasaUiort.) br law te ao ae tatrator, Uoai tllaa. i rsU.

Hw Tranaier AgeaW sa4 aa Meglatrag SBi1a ixHuia money on Bends aod otor approved aeonni a WILMASC n. kukflK l-reMmi 7 HEOhHfLJC A. hcUUoKuKH, fir.J VI Freaidonb flOKAt MORditi flerend tee-President IDW4RD JOHNS' teorciarp. xoentps, Adniti vr iaoi pu4 tiwciu uL, William H. Mnrth tradartckA Hoiuo leikr Morms yiigeueU.

Him ford Henry J. Cuiirn, Jr, faarnel Utm Jm'ob it. faeiiTum; imvid A Htaiy. Crtielius Hteglaaff, John flarle, Jr, laufore Ha, Ua A A. brown.

ML Natt vNaiL bomutea Johnsea, tieurge I. rnagsstsftti AbinroHlota iiitan a. ii m. Klwed Hartlsi oiMii Kuuba.1, roi Krattachmoc; Frarik II. Lemard tieinighsa TfJ BROOKLYN IRDSI co*kPANY, Cornev Montagna nod Clinton Atm 51,000, 0W.0J Capital and Surpliii S2, 20 3, 000.

03 Internet A Hewed an Dennet's, whlfth may be mafia aleos teshsoh at tight wra turuabln at ftxeU dfisea. I becks pa titmssh If ew York Cbsrttft Hmti Isa sole da bom for fnau awmuag iare-a Aotiwjrlxed by gpeoial shorter to ant as exaontoC, tniaiae, admtalsuator, gsardiati aomulltea, te Ceiwr, in sny other poiUon of trust 1 a designated depository for court townie. Actaee registrar aa after ea oft sung net bonus, aod aa trustee for four ood or other eorpore ties mortgage. Kiaeutes ortlersia U. ft.

Bemli and other Inyesti ient uritite. tye fiepnait ef eash er npprovafi seenruias wta rnareotoe travaltag istvers ef ere tit nu4 pop off an ler 4 Klh I I Aft T. (HRimVkRI, PtoTti ABRAM B. FATIM. Skee.lrawa JA4 CL RkAflecraUvr FttfcLKiCA CuLTON.

Ase fteoretary. yntisiVKS Jaslah 0 Tew, Alex. nitti A A. lev, Irhoet hoonrsy, ti m. B.

keu.laiL Kdwio Kenwlteti John Marun, John Pierrepent, Gwrge u. Keyodti John uuh Prefierlrk ram weih Jana Heirs srvsjr1 tim. Dale, Abram Ti. JfofiK IfouTf Maiwed. Charles M.

Pratv H. Benori, rna taoaft Chris Man T. Chrtstaaa LONS ISLAND LOIS TRUST CO, mu 203 Montagna Street. CnoitmJ 4JO.a. loveecad In U.

ti. Fong Pm Cant. Bends at anti A LAItOE HUHPLUS. nrrum iuawn os Dimm Checks non be firs ws an turn asm pen Ibfitom hsun Hauk, a4 are pmyablo mreugn ts hate 1 ark leering llanae, or if fts errel. ferudtitet at dpmit wlii ue issued, tiysue en demand oral OfixMlnsta.

and baanog lot-reot sti) pa. A 1 nts ewoa itecy is sat ri by ebarter er Trastee. tionuor, Admuiurar ti istImii miuee if Muwm or KMniTr, and to Siutbr yoalUonof trust, ft is a-v a toga (tie1 itury ter aU 1 rest Jan-io and fur p54 isia t7urti It acta as Hgiatrarnr Trsstor Agent 4 ter ka ood bends and ss iruotee for Jtailrowi ar4 oi iter isiirigag'A guar an toes letters et croiffl Issued to Imreiert fhCTr. Charles Protti 1 uttodore JvkMh ti i.uam M. la graham, Paters.

U. Ilce-riaaa, Mtfl Marnit, ftteMi X. Uteat, iwmtii tVsitm Jwrph Knapp, Irana 8neC urr offln. Fraak Lymae. Edwin Beer, tiwra F.

Uregorp. David 9 1 eggat, PDWAIID Runt, left'dwk 6KJ4DAB1CM t. AL0HIWE, C. staples co ta mi 8 hieetmgov Mtveeft. to nmmirs sod ftsw rth t'tty fui-wsd locks sod Boula, Kreekn and Xsw Trk PWasaafi ft ra-j Bass.

1 mat i eoranv and to gnraooe siorks. City essty aad Htate ftoufia. U(MD TittTItKV' ni MtUSEMESTS THIS EVEffll Performances at 8 P. unless otherwise stated. ACADEMY OF MOSIC-Pevffl Bnsbtsns AMfKioN lHEAKt-L(lwr4 Harrlgao.

dj N.sfcr rs rweutysixth ward la tu uionAl LalieV Orchestra. IT LION EATRE Variety. IjKAXD OPElt TIOUKK 1 amt. THLATR-b Bryaut ami SayvUles Ccxm-p uy Bul.XES' STAR THEATRE Han rt AcrOM the fee lihR fe 0EBHABDT8 II AVKNUK AlAI)EMYJMyJH 1 1W LYCp-LM 1 HE itK-IndUu Mail Carrier. 1 AUK THEAIRK Shenandoah.

PlluCTGBti THEATHte. Uermiaie. Tfdes, Wednesday, September 84 1890. H'gh. Low.

AM P.M AM. PM. 3 31 3 1 9 41 10 V2 3 17 3.U 9 14 1O0J 4 07 4 23 10 IS 11') Few York banrtv Hook Brooklyn fJjivy ard feuu use 5 50. 8uu att, 5.54; Moon sola. 0.42a5 Nails For Enrqpo From Brooklyn.

Fur the week endiftg Saturday, Sept. 27. 1 (Letter tor foreign commies need not recwlly aliie-to-l tin any particular ten aor, as lliev are sen br tbo fastest vessels available WniuaUAt, feeuw J4 Uy the i'rave Southampton aud hremeu. Britannic lor Qne astown aud J.erpo, amt Maaadam Xor Hotterd im fttS30A AU and iCiiynland lor Antwerp at It) 30 A. M.

1 hi hmdaY. sent. 25 By the Normanuia for BonUiftinpum and Hamburg at 10 30 A. Fuidax, Sept. 28 By La Boprgogne lor Havre at SATbnpAT.

Sept. 27 Bv the Umbria for Queenstown and Liverpool and Etbe for Southampton and Bremen at 1 1 50 A M- Norge for Cunsu.tna and Bottcroau i or Amati oaui at 12 3L. ana Andxona (or Ulaegow at 1 F. FUTUUE EVENTS. Announcements la this oilanu wll he mads WiUioutoharge and are respectfully invite I Moonlight excursion, Brooklyn Chautauqua Areetnbiy, Sept.

Enrol'mont First Ward Republicans, Sept. 4, 84 CouU street. Entertainment by Fulton Council, B. at Association Hauto-nignt. Brooklyn Choral Society rehearsal, Polytechnic Institute Chapel, Oct.

7. Jamoe Clinch Association, of Butb Beach, annual chowder on Oct. 7, at Point View Island. The Thomas M. Nolan Association.

Ninth word, wlh go on a special tram to Gieeup rt on Sept. 25. In (forfloirt Hall 437 Morey avenue, this evening, Kings County League of Republican Cluos will meet, Special meeting Twenty-third Ward Republican Association, In Wigwam, Gates and Alarcy avenues, to-mght, New Utrecht Itjpublioflnfl hold thair prim try at tapt. Henry Arens hotel, Bath Beach, ond-ae veuiug Oi Oct The Inaugural concert and reception at H. Fletcher Rivers Ampmon Assembly Rooms, on Bediord avenue near Division, will take pitfop bept.

25. i Concert by the Royal Edinburgh Concert Company, uader the auspices ol Ll-tn Mac LWa alL Order ol Scottish cfons, Oct. 15, at the Academy of Music. A special meeting of the Methodist Temper-auce Lcjuh will be he.d next Thursday evening the chaiHl of tne Nonruul Aveuue M. E.

Church, corner of Quincy street. David Btron, of the Mildmay Mission to the Jews, will speak in tbe lecture room of the oung Mens Christian Association, feept. 26, at 8 oclock. Retail Grocers Association meet at 407 Bridge atreet tonignt. Tin liotdil Mcrchanti Association hold a meeting at 108 Bioddwuy to-night.

Brooklyn by O. h. stales jl Guv lealer ia biecaiya la. vestment securities, 2 Li Montagu street. ieieuUuue.

ddJ Brooulva. TUKsoat. Bept. 28. Bit Asked AUauuc Avuuus KailrtOMl Cs 1.1C Auunuo Avenue Railroad Ou.

7 p. A Is AUanilO AvbQuo KauiosdUo. 5 A bdi 05 fir BrouKiynGUy Raikrusd (Jo. -wot. UrookiyuCUy itaitrusdCA 5 A bds 102 Bushwick Avenue it-Oo, bp.o bus.

lei load way ilaUtoal Oo. stock 171 Broatiway Railroad Go. 6 p. a bonds. l'J Broadway itaUioad Cu.

5 p. A oouds xbi L. to wu it H.OO 7 a. A bonds 1U1 C. I.

A B. (Smith st.) K. 1C Co. stoou 1 -d Coney island Jc B. H.

R. Go 6p o. bds 103 R3 Cross town Railroad Ca 5 P- A bonds ldf ho nth Bkn Ceutral R. H. Ca7 p.

a bds 1UJ touih B'kn Ceutral R. K. Co 8 p. a bds 104 brandsu A Now town 1VR.UA 5 A A bds 10 1 Btooklyn (ia Co stock 120 124 Cltlteits tins Ca 5 p. a bonds lui Fultou Mumriyol Gas Ca stook .......110 RJ iuiton umoiyal Gas Ca 6 a a bonds.

IUj idetropoiitau uas Ca stook Iu0 Metropolitan (iasUo. 5 A A bonds lOi Nassau Gas Co. stock i. 3 Nasnaa GasCo 5 a oertltloates. lOJ people's oas Ca stock Bcoples Gits Co.

6 a A bonds. Iu2 Beoile's Gas CA 8 A A bonds. 101 V. liliamsburirh Gas Co. stook ..133 ViUtarasoarghGaaCA Duo 103 X.

Dion (as LL. Oa ot ti Y. 6 p. A bds 10 1 ll)8 nton Os Lltrht Co. 5 per ooub luO Brooklva Bank 183 Broadway Hauk suck.

l.0 Bislford Hans stook 12H l'Tft ommert ml BauW stook loO lo5 Jlith Areuut Bank stock. 133 135 lust NatiODl Bank 64U Fulton Bank stock 13 mgs County Bank stock 110 Hamilton Bank slock 185 Look umaa nuuc imoe iJ 3 Manufacturers Nat. Bank stock 175 225 asps 22j Meouanu Bank sioux 20 1 Nassau national jank stock 270 hatioiia city Bnk tct 4lS Eonii bid Bank Uhi im 1 Waril atovk. bpraifue Nstiooal Hank swan luO vaiiaboai BauK stock Brookivn Truss Ca stook. 470 Franklin 'trun Ca etocK.

25U KiujksCo Trust Co. stook Ib4 Long island Loon and Trust On 210 thsau 1 rust Co stooc lo5 Beoide's 17 ustOo stock 15 Brooklyn City bale Deposit Co. stock 175 Long island gato DspomtCA stock. RuiKvCouDty lnsurnoUA stock. 178 Long Is laud Qhuraa-e Ca stook.

Lalayeito Insurance Oo. stook. MO Nahsau Insurance Ca ltd Bheuix lusurauoe a 15 VUiiAinsburkli insurance Ca 313 oadeaiy of A1 uaio. New kork terry 180 klya Maoiotpal Bleak Lltrht Oa stook. 123 Kiectrio Light Oa stook.

124 Bku Water Front A i.D OAUpAhla Kings Ca WaterMapply Ca stock Kmrs Ca Water Muppiy Ca 6 a a baA Huibunh Water Works Oa 75 Kiftioush Wator Works Ca 8 a a bands 102 Bouth Brooklyn Saw Mill Oo. 14 3 -N Y.A Brooklyn Ferry Ca stock 3d K.Y. A 8. ii'kiyn Ferry Oa5o Abondv. 103 MasaapequaiuproreatUA 6 p.

Ow bds. 83 Ex dividend. 170 133 825 ha 85 145 15 1U5 300 40 30 101 HELP WAmP-MALBA A D-Dry goods salesmen; mast beex-if peneuced lor domestlo and dress goods departments, steady employment. P. M.

DALE A buN, 153 and 153 Myrtle avA corner Gold st. 1 XyAVTED For the United flutes Army, able- bodied, unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 36 years, good nay, ratioiiA clothing aud tned loal atteudanuA Apply at a 61 Fulton, sk Brooklyn N. Y. HELP WANTED FEMALES. APPRENTICES, improvers and good sewers-sIsa 1110 and elrle to loir a dronemAfcl*tg and calling.

Call or write, MIHS (. LARK, 273 iulton. SLrnear Tillary, s.evaiod siaiioa. TWO lady oanvassers wanted; work is In Brook-iyn, light and profitable. AdUva, with ret ereaoea, INDLoTRY, Box L.

Standard-Union. WANTED Experienoed operators W. AO) on bite goods and infant soar. 803 Park APPrtlo 4 dressmaking; come .71 ready ior work. Mra.

A J. 3RNJ4INA 4u3 Tompkins third flat. lANTfcI Two girls, one ae a 000k and laao-VT dross, the other as chambermaid aud waitress. Mra. Lsi A Lioiuond iL near laUtuli avo.

FlatbOaU. MTDATIONS WASTED-MALKH. An AM ERIC AN young man of 21. good health, habits, family and education, wants a ohance to earn Ms living. Bermaurnoe and progress more Object than wsgea.

LLU I li a nyv. JX ts tandard-U Huoa. SITUATIONS WANTED FEjffALES. A YOUNG LADY wishes position as cashier, or saleslady, rofereuoe given. Address M.

134 Lawrence sk, Brooklyn. AS 4 01 KIRK. Lsdy guide; highly recorn mended, esporleuoed traveler, packer, man-agori knows Europe, sosaks the languages; kind sud good attendant, highest testimonials. Ad 0i vt HS ivBVuKK, cars Nat. W.

Foster. Box Riverhead. L. 1, N. 5 YOVNG LADY wishes position as saleslady.

A I Ki I Address 164 lAwronoe sL. Brooklyn, N. Y. BOARDERS WANTED. BOARD Mansion House, Brooklyn Heights.

dirroily opposite Wall st N. four tula, utes wjk from Fulton or WaU Street Vorry ani the Bridge tormiaaat superior aooomraodatiou, rcaeonoute meg soioct iaodijr and uraasisnt Hotel, fcoorootua CORSES AND CARRIAGES. KRAUS BROS, S1LE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, TO 15 UNION STREET, Columbia Street, Brooktvm AND BUSINESS HORSES TO LET. oy B.OHLS on hand that must he sold at onoo Telephone oall. 332 Brooklyn.

STORAGE, lc. A DAY. Tninkfl stored at this rate, or at 23o. vf month. 3c per uioQih tot a separata room that a load of famauie can 0 stored 10.

1 ns bust, largest cheapest nooossBodatians that oan postibiy be offered. THE FULTON AND FLATBU3H STORAGE 00. (Snhith, Gray A Co. Building), Faltou nk and Tlat-buah avs and NEW STORAGE ANNEX (JTn-lr Gum' Uotorr), 437, 43. 44 4,3 46 Crltuu uva.

PIANO TPXIXC. 1 PKKFKC'T PUIIJ 45 Ln pr.ictice. STANLEY elaao td lee winr bill 77J uatos 333 Pi-ti'-na'te. -4D1 Touiuklns 473 and 35 p.rilt oi sa aLai4 43 Fulton a CIRc*msTANCES ALTER CASES. 1 Are yon going to let a wretched prejudice like this stand against my tore! be Sed.

An empty, impersonal sex-prejudice List man's life-long devotion! You say yaeve me, and yet yoa wont marry me, been) I dont agree with yon in all your ida i A pretty ind of love! "I am not defending my special varT. of lore, aha bos irgreil, slowly, 1 nevst protended it was all-absorbing, or everlastil 1 or in any way equal to a mans life-long A'Jvo-ti on. I am, unfortunately, one of those toch-berated New England women wbo Slave learned to think aa well as feel; and to r4, at least, marriage means more than a of hearts and bodies it most mean minds, too. It would be a never-ending grief to me, starvation and bitter pain, to have yoa indifferent or contemptuous to my most earnest tnougnts aod beliefs. You see, 1 should fore you enough to care." Yea, 1 see! I see a great deal!" he replied, walking over to the hearth and leazutts arm against the mantel.

He seemed to tw fire from tbe glowing coals, for he camick and began again with restrained intensRt It is another instance of this cursed mani education. Toe women ot to-aay 4 their minds until they are stronger thadw-jarc and body together, too strong to yield- a healthy love. And so tnev live, and set ey die, aod who is the better for it!" I My dear George, you feel so keenly fLJb it makes yon unjust, ou are not fair to WtTfoQ It is that, more than anything else, $icb stands between ca If you are notfair now, to your hearts idol, your queenand all that, what would you be to Four wife!" I Bee leaned back agafnsttbedull green bpxe of the great chair, a lovely picture tbe, oft firelight, and looked at him steadily. He turned ovef several things in bis before replying It was really difficult. ts-cuUne habits of thought, dominant for cf fries, were strong witoio bun.

He was i4 Jet man in most things, and he knew it. I sense of chivalry and love for ber moveFitn to soften what was most natural to saysffand, under all, tbe individual soul oould but SfeJmiti some truth in her accusation. I can't talk any more on this tbeirr. u-night," be said at last. But once oouvierje of ao instance of clear injustice to your mod I will own yon are right, end tbat it is wiser for ns to live apart.

Come, wont yu singtome a little before 1 got With all my heart," said she. Yoq see it is witn all my heart, not my beadvo we dont quarrel over music!" Hesuppresael an impatient rejoinder and they went to toe piano. EL George Saunders aud his frieod Howard Clarke, schoolmates, college chums and partners at law, were strolling the beach next day below tbe high bluff where stood tbe imposing "cottage" ot Hilda Warda. She was, as she baa said, one of thorn New England women who ore so disproportionately numerous that they cannot marry at home, while to take them away would go far toward depopulating the country. hey ere a singular race.

Violating every law of woman existence according to the canons, they still live, aod oftoa pretent favorable contrast to their married sister in both health and happiness. As to useiuluesa, ot course, they have none. Yo trifiee in the way ot personal achievement oan muter baliocs the delinquency of unmarried woman. They live, aod Hilna bad lair to finally join their ranks, for she waa twenty-seven, traveled, cultured, experienced and peculiar." Clarke had loved her, vaiuly, ni gotten safely over it, much to bis astonisbmeot. Saunders had lov3d her at toe same time, aud did stiii, uot wholly vaio.

lor she at least protested to love him; but still she would not marry. Howard. be said, after they had strolled a gloomy mile, comforted ooly by their eigga, do you tluuk she cares for me or uocT Doesnt soe say sop inquired Howard. Yes, abe revs so, hut she doesn't actsa Ilf a woman reoiiy fovea, she doesnt hesitate oyer a matter of opinion. There isnt one woman in a hundred to-dav, here at least, with a heart as big as a button! I am glad 1 am going abroad." I Have you made up your mind wbed to start I shall start to-night if I cant get anything more definite from Hilda.

Ill take tbe early boat to Boston, and leave by the Wednesday steamer the Ithunei I bad a berth with the privilege of countermanding, and only came down here in hopes He broke off, aud looked wearily ont -to sea. Its too bod, George!" cried Howard. Toare isut a woman in Christendom th uV worth tbe you are making I You would bare been one of tne first lawyers in tbe ooaotrv before this, aod nobody knows woat politically, if you bvloc wasted these ear oa that heartless jilt Look at that Ash ord case you lost 1 Know wny you lo.t it. Nothin? oa ertb but slwplesiae and misery, it's as bad aa murdarl laik about justicel I( a woman got the j'lsciea they ore anxious for, there wouldnt be many of them left. Stop! said Saunders.

She is a woman, and I love ber. For my sake, be etiU. And they were still for another gloomy mile, till they eauffQt sight of Hilda herself, on tbe edge of tbe cLff above them, walking with a swiit, free grace, ber figuiecntHued clsrlv against toe skv. She saw them preeeutiy aim began to descend a steep little path, motioning back toeir start to help her. was coming down any way," she said, aod besides, it is easier for one to coma down than for two to come up.

Bat 1 want to rest a moment, for le been to Shark Rock, and then I have a story to tell and an opinion to ask." They ensconced themselves in a shaded and wmdieas corner, aod Miss Warde was about to, when she spied a new-made friend of tbsirs, somewhat a lion in the little p-iace, tanung uncertainly a abort way off, his bat in hts hand i He waa young Rnwiari, wealthy, noble, and famous in bis own counter, but now a fflelong exiie, making a tool of wont had been weapm oetore bis pen Wont you join us. Count 8tefarr askeu Hilda. I want an audience to-day. Bo the three gentlemen, after a moments talc, settled themselves at her feet and toe gan ber story. It is only a little one," tbe said, true story and I want your oonest opinions on the merits of tbe case, Hooest, mind you I There was a young man, good aud clever and all that, but a little queer acd opinionated.

He had great notions of the work be going to dot and ready showed some promise, though nobody Niewi in hie reformatory ideas or bis aoility either, he was so indefinite. Well, he met a young woman Of course," remarked Bounder Fate I said Clarke. He was fortunate, murmured tbe Count Now, you must not interrupt," frowned Hilda. This is a teat caae, and 1 want your caimect judgineLt Tols young woman fell in love witu him, and I wont eey made-up her mmd, for that waa oot ber method but soe wanted to marry bun. She waa a fine girl, bandeoaie sud clever, a genius in ber hoe.

Bbe was musical, aod tney might have beso great friends bat for taut. But he was fl rabid re former, and sb cared tor nothing but lor, and music, to didn't want to niarrj ber. though bo coo id not but kiv, ber ia war. tbe to good and beautiful and wall, a strongly ft uuoft nature. ibey were intimate friends, and talked with all tbe freedom of tbe philosopher oo out side aod soe artist oo the otner.

He found out bow things were going, and told ber freely his plane and hopes; now be was resolved never to marry, that she was to him but a deer friend -everything ascear as daylight, But our young woman bad herown plans and hopes. To do her justice, she didn't believe his projecte at all. aod felt sure she could make him Doth powerful aod happy by marry log hun; sa tba wont to work. Her methods were sunptoi She just took advaa tage of tbe freedom of tbeir tneodsfop to piav upon his masculiue nature, Bne had no aero pies of any kind in such A case. She loved turn, and him ajooe, and meant to marry him tbat was aii Of course, it was onlv a matter of time.

He stratgied mantuilv, made engagements and broke thorn, left her and returned again sna always managed, by appealing to sympa-toy or Irteodship, or by a blank, reproacotul sileocs, to get him to coma aoa see her once more. After a wtiile be felt his honor was engaged, and, i beta he stuck to it and married. ber. Hs loved her somswhat you understand soroagh it all only be knew Knew what!" from the Count, whose quiet eyes never left ber taco. Knew bow it would end.

How did it end!" asked Bounders, rather bitterly. Just aa he feared. It unset bis work and health and everything. He wasert eorain much anyway, sod that bothered him. oa always doss.

There was a child, of ooarsa, aod between tba exx ears aud aousaalf demands and miserable state of mind he wa in it quite mined mm. He just went insane And killed fiimseti oos of those excitable, nervous temperaments, you koow. Thats ail the storv. What I want of yon pntieman, ia aa opinion oa tba reiaavs guilt of the twa paras. Guilt of toe one party, you mean." said 8 uodera, harshly.

He was- weak, do uoubt most meu are in a similar case but aha was the one to blame She didnt force him to marry her," objected Hilda, mildly. "He might have caped or refused." i And where could be have gone, pray, to escape a hunter like that even if be had ths means, woicn 1 unuerstend he hadnt! Andes to rexnaiBg ana led him oo tiff os couida fsss in boo or! No, uodeei. Get a man into toe hood of a womn Uks toot and ha can neitbw escape or reaute." ogrea with George," said Howard Ciorxe. The girl was altoetoer to biaroeT -Da I uuaeKUnl, inquired the Ccuut, i JESE. JR.S FL(3 PROTECTED BY DECISION OF SLIPREME COURT, tOV.

15th, tpes. JIKB. JOHNSON 1R, ACCTI05BER. will positively sell at suction Oft IDESDlY, SEPT. 30, SO.

st twelve oclock uooa. la tha BROOKLTN BSAL ESTATE KXCHANGR, 893 Fulton sL, opposite toe Citv Hsli, Brooklyn, 116 SDPERB LOTS, Formerly known ss the Urtexcelled Fireworks Coraimnys property, suusied on Moutsuk, Atkirt. and Glenroore are-, Bemmao sti, end the Eastern Psrkw iv, in the mSTY-SKIB WARD, BR00K-LYH, Formerly East New York. The lots are within one block of the Atlantic Avenne Rapid Tmnxtt, wttoin r.irht of the COUNTY LcKVAThO RAILROAD, wfix'h line is to be ex.endd directly post tte property, and wul be lion hkwJi (f the tjetmaonof the ttnkdUyn A ra ti iuiWmoa. The property Is surroanoed by 41 oases.

Cburrhes. Mores sod School are within a stone throw. Water mains have bean laid on all the streets. Liberty avenue, which is a few yards distant, is paved with granite block. Remember, that thcae era oiy sud not sub urban lots.

On all purchases of tffOK) and upward 10 per cent. my roiutun on lioud and mortgage. Titles insured without expense to the pur-cbns by 1HR4TTLB GrARANTFB AND TRUST 1051 PAN Cipltal and burpiua. fff.Ttn00iX Mr. Chiia.

H. flroiih, 75 Van fcuekleo avenue, c1oe to present terminus of Brooklyn E)evafHi KaitroavL will show in ton lmg purchasers the prousrtv without any chinr ALbO, AT '1 ei h.4 TINTE AND FLACK, FORITIVB EXECUTORS ALR, To close estate of Gstbeime Hcnrtng. dot eased, li VA1 UAHLR U1 AND LORBS, Ut WARD, RKOURLYN. BrTLKR n. U0 fet e.

ot Ralph ave 6 iota. i BALI 1C amt In rear of above. 6 lots. Map and additional information from Jere. John-on.

No. GO liberty oC, New York, and fll3 luiioo sc. Urooklyo. WEDNESDAY, OCT, 1, 90, hi 2 tt'clock, 31. oq tl4 pmm 658, REVERTED AUCTION.

344 ELEGANT LOTS AT KEUSIflGTOH Heights, near Wist Brooklyn, FLATBUSH. The property is splendidly situated on Gravesend and 16th ave. Ave. I) and 89,40.41,41,43, 44, Vt eef, hast 84 and banc 3a ils. The property Is minutes from tio Brooklyn FrUt vis tus atoo'ip Klevaied ant Ibe Pronitoet iark and i ony Island ujror's Ha A DUOl' Ifl NuW UULDi.NU ON TUk PRO I EHfV FbF.h.

EXCUKHinNl ROYAL RfTODK MANO Cl AM II A UNDER UllOK-r AtClIOft TINT IN THK to OftLD, MtSilO BV 2Sl KKoiMKNr BA Nil. WTum trains srs run thronh to cut of ths ftonth Bnmklyn KK and ier oinsi o. the lota will be witiun five miuu es uf toe Tiiiny ninth btrt Ferry, or Vtt minutes of toe Hatterr KensmcUHi He gbt Is high snd dry and has per feet natural drains- The aims have feltiNB feinKVKAl be property ts elo to irosje, 1sfk, tos Ovoau Parkway aud toe Brooklyn city iLue. Titles tnsnred by ths TITLE BlAKAMm Ar TEThT CO. OapHal and irplns gd.HAO.DOO.

For free paseea mans and 11 sdt1lbns1 Informi fieo appy to Jera Johnson. Lshorty sti.New ork. sud CulToa si. Brooklyn. RE 41, KTATE-FOR BALE.

ROCKVILLE CENTRE, I. 250 LOTS SQLD. Sale Continued This Week. VERY CHOICE LOTS, 35x100, 850 UP. OMI.V4I I.OM1 IM.AHP TITT hanuiug -a lion, elnsa to depot Houses, chunk end schools slft-ady huU buildings now rlig np snd inoroaAlhg raMly Et err un! tbat news ru-ckfliiw leniie.

L. dehgbtetl amt says this's the heatspot to tnr fr invMtnimt nr builil a heme 1 itles guaranteed irfert. owner on the pn(wiiy S'ery after rnmn. Fug tree ticket apply between 9 and 12 ock. WILLIAM DAVISON, Iftfi Ronth at.v Now York BENSON nURST-BY-TH E-SEA Surprises every visitor.

Tt perfectly dsyeloped, end ssrefnlly re. stneted. eewera, water, gas, minute from Brooklyn Bridge vis Asans (Brook. yp) Kla Tslel and ft A R. Los fr sal.

tif7d) each Tltins gnsrantfefed by Dtle Onarantoa A Trust cmpny, without cost to purchaser Iti Instrstea eircuar asnti Apply to ths agaat on to pruperty, or 0.6!. Randolph, 41 Wall ti, N. Y. Trinidad W. CUPEL SMUTHE.

BEAL EHTATB AUK.ftT, TRINIDAD, COLORADO. Ths host town tn Waal to Invest la Best Fstota. lie eoal aad frn lauds ars praoiiteuy laao haimmrlt head for paiap uat aad map. ROADWAY LOT, tha fiaat avsllahis to day if yea wish rue locations to imM hoi hk-h will tecomo very vaiasMe eems ends J. MACDUFF, 13tA Broadway, tiates Lstatiea.

4M)k BALE. Trtree twenty-foot lots Lexington avo. ftt, Son 27i tronu Ktet sw I erk; wsff toif4 (H fiotestoatea, east Broadway l.uoo Five stores on Broadway, lot 70sW5 75uu A pfotn yl offer only will 6nv Uin. HAftTINtiA, I1U Bruadway. for, Dekalb st.

UOR SAl.R-RK.AL ETaTE A fins lot, fWnr ion ronvMtleat re Bridge sot ferrtea with frame teUdioc, envrteg flok sacsilsat tor factory ily to LRUXARD MOODY. 30 Oort i TAXFN AND AflROIFJiTsL tDARTMMf 9 H)Ut( riOJI 1 1 AUM tyi, Augnst 9h, IK'-ftOt ftouoe ia hereby given that titeae-meemeutTSil 1 the following entiued mati tor tore heog emp eted. and the warrants for the Ueeuou ef the various aseessraesis meouooe; thsreta have this day bean deliver to the Cot totor of Txm and aod ail persons liable to per saeu eameamea are repaired te pay the anie without delay a hie ottos penalty oft the law aKWAJt Id ki.r DfTRICT 97, Sffh-bl. Ihiotf sa Extracts frew toe law. Chapter SRI Laws of 1VSM, 1 jU 7.

JteCtioa id. aod lilt 1R, AaetienA Ob all taieeohd ea aJ atseesmenra for opeaihf ptrveti, tiagglag er autewsAss. teala vacant lots, or down vaani ieU, wh Siteu tier after be pa.d to toe Ccdieior before tos STpiratfoa one month from toe time the same iuiUI becem due and payafoA ou akiewanoe shall he moftte to tbe person er persons maing such payments at toe rate et er.a aod three-tenuis --i eeutum per asunm for ttie uq xp.rsd portion Uiereof. Ob all tax eaeeeamesU and rates paid after toe expiration sf ms month from ths time tue some shall have beoome du and payable there she i bo added te and cH letted a pert of evecy soch tax toenBt vit a iateteet at the rate oft mins per it- ft from tae um Aflaednaasd poyab: meat. A fe-to30t Cetlector of Taxes end a iesmsato TbFF4TMEvr OF AK8AEi Xtaapsl XI iepartamet A-iiUiag.

BALL tDK A.ti.h AEAOEO OF TAlU. Aft-LN Aft Vt Ai LA Notice is hereby gi en in pnrusure of Chapter H4of toe iew ol a out tiod as a aouearn-b toe ttemest aad ee action eft arrearage Unpa.d taxes saea'a-ntx and water ra la the of Breoalyu sad imoaiug aod iavruif a tea. aad it ia ea ao iTnatead ich arrear WftftUlU) euforce t(e payment Uisrwd." )Aeed March 16, ivo.t, aai the Several a ts laiurnd-euttj thereto, air I Chapter 5ni of tb Laws of rdi, tiial ibe lord sad prem-e stiuatml Bi the flixla. vavenia.

Lr' to. Ninth, 'lentu,, Fouiteeuth. wuemth, L.gbtoetua, aeteentb IweobottA. Twenty arat. 1 we.ity em-erL weosy tn rd wenty loartU and 7 wn fl'th wards ot toe city of Br bCifn.

la respect to wh a the er Mil Asseeaers have Under tue pre-TuNon ot uui ttrst Basel ect aud tbe yarioua arts an3 'eiory thereto. hxl. olj sated determiaftd and orutird to respective a'ioiui of tos tec, am eeaement and ilea, aad have fiajy fl.wi the thereof, ra tote iat, tormtus prior to ti date of tii mu aad apa wa a laud and premites the ve ibshm et sjeh tax. aa-seteruent aud lien remain as paid, wul be auvd at Cub lc itCiii te tie Lftisd et sum net its than MvaoU uuyal an-l at intereat ao crued toereoi by tie iupn'rv of Arrrs eft the tv at ferooffrn at Uovrn 1 oa toe ies4 flour is toeO.iy a toe elty ef Bre ra. on VCftixieBdar.

u.e iMh day et Otiat, Uyj. 1 iK 4 T-jn iy atauvsmee and fort pw; ea-irs oft too yrwp erty to ue tnav I'asst at too IS eft tee i-egatrar ft trrsr is too Aiutimpat fant.d.qg, to tbe a 4 e-ty of Kroo ti. LttM Vi Johji a vO Armn. si A IJIHK HISSES ELYS ECU00L FOB GIRLS. END 143 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS.

WILL BtOPEN OCTOBER With ths assmtaaoe of ths following Instructors: P. XTLNFI X. A tPemtrotte CoUr bndgru. C. 8.

ALLK. Ph. B. Phk sics. PltT'l 1CT.

Os X. tColarahts Cot- oiory snt PnuterySo lers flchooi of Mines i rnca Les iQt Hm-i H. )Lnn. tSautk Collefa.) Entltsk. Lugiuk ConpoilUun.

jL.0.-iro FT, A. Preach. Mils. M. cotrstv 1 X.

i Cftta- a Pmlawiir asubJtf hh Xflis. GCILLAUXB. Mr. BRUH id, Mr. CRAS.

X. 6HA5 (Pupil of Cahauslk Oermsa. Drawing. Mr. C.

CRAKE. Elocution aaff GymnaS' Mr. W. H. NEiDLTXGEB, Ciioral etugmg.

SCHOOL HOURS. MONDAYS, fl-6-'l HI, mdmPnt recess (for (rniBAstie trai aur Attcr-THCHflDAYA fnoea stalr boars fr girla who FRIDAY. need bM or supsrrlaioiL. WEDNESDAY, l. sfcmD free.

BATfRIUY 9 -IX, afte-uoou fro. Drawing (OpUuaaff Ceokjuz, iPrait LasutiUa COUR8FS OP LECTURES On Architecture, Sculpture H.stary of Painting THE ADELPHi ACADEMY. IX) a BOTH BELLI Lafayette ava St, James pL. Cliftoa pL THE PREPARATORY DEPARTMBVT In. etudes kiadoryortea training by the best approval meiboda.

THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT gtvoa the essential traUiin of a rood Knclish odacauoa. and two rears la Latin, Front or German. lHtooLLEGLATK Dh.PARiXL.VT has three courses of stndy: THE CLA'velCAL COURSE gves thorough preparadoD for the boot Amenoaa coliseea Tdfi LITERARY COURSE gives Uhsral trsla. tea In Modern Lanroages and In Latin, History, Llceratura. PhuosopUy.

Natiual eoteaee aniil Matheaiaiios. THK SclEftTIFre COURSE cIto a thoroneb amt srecucai kaow.edge of PhyaiLO, Aioctrtclty. Chstnistry. ktheuastica PditlCM k.Docny. History and general aouaiatanoe with the JSaiional History Scleurea.

IHL Adr out. well, furnished stadia bpaclal staUeuu are received in Una ieparineok A Oi mnastnm. Indnding three larro room a oo eupinv a aoace of foot, ia chai 40 of a reu-larlr educated pnyaician. affords Physical trainuur tor teen student. The Fail term opens In all departments cm Wad-Bestlsy.

Sept. 17. kxarmnstton and Oissaifytng of Stndenta on the 17th. lth aud ltfth. Kocitauona b2ln on Mday, tbeS-d.

1 he Principal will be at his offloa ontranoa au Clfton pte'e. forenoons, after pt. 10. For Clrcalara, or other tnh'rmaliea, apply iu person or by let tor to tee Prtnc.psi. The Packer Collegiate Institute, JORALEMON STREET.

Between c*nteu and Court Street. A flehool for the Ihamasli tMeUlov of Toons fouti CollflffistA. AolouiiO n-l lrimrv It. prunents, TUe nest tora will becua September 22, li.y New sUkienLs be aesiKne I classes septeuber 1 7. is.

There are a extra charee ftr InsU ect. on In Latlii ijfty, u-rrnu, French. Draw, ns aud Gymnasuos. ab sitra'Mve hro, witlilibersl matinreiuHUt, iw'wrws stihlsutt tram nut ol town. TU fnrty.iluh ttia iai Ciiaiun.

lentaa Prsudeatot the Faculty. betwo Pnltott aq I DnKftlo r. r'sU term ooumeneod Monday, Sep. 4 It Uth larrwet, het oU)ppsd and ite-t oon lurtet biunMea ooilosein Rroialyn. superior lie.

liuoa aro offers! tiioa who wont thorougU Uistrnouon in any studies they reoulro to prepare for huaitises in tu shortest time sna the panlbie eipuse. Aoorpsol oompeteut. oiporienced geotleiosa teachers ore S'lipl -yea. and oin We can flud etupl y-ment tor yonng men (hit prop ire with as tor hash no-s. Ladies depart rueuls separate.

Call or write for a circular. WRIGHTS BOSIESS COLLEGE, BROOKLTK, S. I. Broadftaj and Bedford Atsl. Commenced its dtr ereslon MooUy, fl.

sndlfa ereniUK seosimis Mon flpt Cataliignee can be bad free by calling at the ollege or addie-siag tv I u. I I I the principal. HKMtY C. WrtMHi nOtM FOR SALS. tOH HALE A big bargain for 65 OiN) A fine storv aud extrusion l'titlailpua bncX and brownstous front, auhali Impruveiucut fiirnaco and Utondry In cellar; built by p'-eeent owner aa a home, MO foot front, MACDUFF, ldbl rued Way, bates aL" etetiim.

all cash, boss ba-gain tn Brooklyn. Splendid location ought to bring S.l,.V. ouy JO nt.nuto HnUra near statina. 9 root, au LADD A 2io5 Falten st. pOH BAU OR EXC MANGE, three-story aod ftswiaul briak ISlneteenth ward, li rooms, hot and ceid gsa and marble mantels to third floor, in order, wULetchangooijuitv for a small place with some ground outside or city.

Apply 89 Nassau sC tooem 8. N. Y. City. house, la water, pr'me ILATH Forsas and to let.

by C. If MOODY A 1T Uonteiu st aad Sl1 Finn are. In all partft ot the otty and ot any and all prlowa. uiudid resllen a in a.l the latent atyls of arrniteetore, lu tbe fla-nt netshborhK1s. for aale or to let Bargains ia building lots, with or With Put builders laa t-eoU la, puuWj Ust, "ITomoj to Ut." T7OR fiALR A Gora Honso, hsw Qneen I Anno dwelltnsA with all tmprovemenui.

tf room. sronad 4)iK) easy terms, Thirty ninth tod Furl Hamilton awntis elevated i nton fetation, Thirty.alxth st. Apptr to Ihl.IAk Kay A Co, 3V4 Gatos ara. open orenlnga. FLATS TO LET.

TIIE ftltsf seven room flat ou F.flh econd Coor, ail improvemeuto; hi costed statlou next bloc eiceUmit eiguboruood 41 per month. WILLIAM I. TAfg. i Klatouh ave. riio I.KT-FLATS-505 MrrtJo seven large A rooms, bBdainely papered) all modern tra-proTriueow.

lent giti and 0JOi no rent for this Apply to YARVtooD THK ATTKR. 698 Myrtiosvo. rrttNlMIKD ROON4. IMKftlWttlttft ROODS for genUemen: Urge 1 end ano rooms, auiple eioame, hot snd toid wtter. gas sutl bain, faoiny prtv'e.

gciod Imtiioo, two nunutes from station. 61 Fort brwai piaoe. THRMSHli) KOUMH-bt 153 HJ sphere hall rooms, nicely fnrn)-hei, nil ina trovoruontn gas aad hoah ooaveaieat to AasHint-i av. iuu and street ears, between Vtii- fonshhy and Myrtle avss. r-nt low i'OUDTRt FHOPKRT7 FOK BICH 4 WGft TUIItL ETCH 4 ft li 6 a floe eon try store prop-erty, two bm.

dings aad seme grousA four hoars from Sew lu. a preaeot woJ rented, tor a small bouse in Breolcyn Part nun if required-Full parui ars by addresstag rUuMPsu.D, F. O. Box 3510, flew York. 3V bnildings aod fennss, wuhlfl twenty ml of A of So scree, free and el ear.

bmldinm a New or, will ho xnaanged at a Brooklyn property.'J MdhuaN. Raxiii Rrooxira P. o.

with good ty ml of largsia for CORPORATION HOTICE-s. njTII, MRTK CDMMlvftlOft ot tbs city ot ftruotiys, Oflios ths w.rirr, City Hsu, fleptomber lA iHl EianLnauoos hero boon or-I Jse4 by this Com mission tor toe fouewing post- Roast ueme (BoUsv). Departnaent of City Works Inspectors ol ConnacOsiui iMvcri, Department Of City urhs. Csrpontert (Eos tic Arbor Workers), Department of Faiks. Blank forms wf opvUtetion mar ho obtained at tills orhea, and any desired information wul be fur-I nifthrd by the secretary.

AU siiuut mu mud bo Hied with tbs feeereterr, at his sflite to tbs CHv lisiLen or before Wednesday, October lei, at 1J clock 1 ft.2uun VM.J. CAMPBELL Seerotary, LEGAL OTIC AM. CtOi ftTY COIRT. King Cmmtv. Hanssh E.

Miffrr, pis on against TuemM Batitr sod other, Na i. S. ButUih, nisintlffe attorrey, 44 Court gfo Hrwk yn, In pursuaoco of ajougmsut of iureoioare aod sale wade tn tie above eeutied a-tioo. tbe love day ol -ptaaiber. Ismi fturUoB by Theaias A Kemttn, at tne asueareoms.

0. 18 street, the city of Brook yn, no tba inn day ot tober. JMtHi, a 19 ocior noon, the fol ovriag described laud and premises All tlat certa lot, piece or parte! of lane situate, lylug and being tue city of Hrwohlyn. censiy of Riaraad fltats of New York, and boundaiand deserlaed as fo lows, to wit: Beginning a a point on tbe wosisr.y of Hlxth sveaiie distant twenty (20) feet nortberiy from tha oornar fortual by Ui lutererDos of tbe I said wete(l side of vittn avnnso with tbe north-ettj side of Seventh stmet. and running from tUaaco northerly nlocy tne said westerly deof uth aw nueslxtn (let feet, thence westerly aod uarsnei with heron th street and port of tha eiteaee tfirouga the maid le of a party wad sewfltr-elgnt feet ten and ooe )ail lu iocboa thence oouth-I oriy aod psral el with Sixth v-ns s.xteen I faet.

snil thence oaeieriy and again por-uke! With I Beventh street and pan ot the 4 agnate tiirmgh the niiddts of another party wall seveuty-eieht tse tea and one-half uO) inches to the sa wssu oriy able ef hixth svanfie at Ue point or piece of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, ft Sepiemher I IMA. lxftuCLkkk D. RiiXMLHART. flborifL in pursuance i amuonwsrsa tOt.4T COl BT ef Klara fouair IiOdor tdDft, agaiast aemuel El Walters and others In norsmeiiCo et a judameut et foreclosure and i sate mate aod entered ia tee spore entitled action, aad noaring date the sis leetato day ot flepterber.

Ioa). the andei signed the ajioated in aod br Mid ja do ri I oed at pu No. 7 and Court hereby giro notice that wi tfoa at toe Otr Halewown. Square, in the nty of Sruoxlrn, oonnty of King. oa toe metth dy sf Oc ober.

i h'O, at li clocx fiooS oi 1 11 Say tj lsnd.4 and promisee ia as id uilgmeat mautioned aod ibria aocr Isd ai foiiewa Ad that cm um lot, pitca or parcel land, situate, iyn.g ana ttetng 1 toe Hty of Brooklyn. is the of Kiat and tte sf New York, bosn let snd a-arrlbe! as follows, eteg, nnlng at a pint oo tii m.brriy auto of Van Hurea street turn three hundred ana forv-uir lAi-i) fe-t Baxter from toe eoulbeuteily corner ef Vi Kre street aad tiautveuai, running tnence eoutosrly with tiewis avenue and part et the auuws through a party trail ene hundred iiis)) feetj tLencs easterly paral'sl in Barvfl street serei'teeo (17 feet tvs thrheo; tit*oee oortiteriy ars's oral let with Lewis avenue snd part ol the ditinoe through party waL oue huudrol tee to ynBana street, and thence westerly Van Rnr-n atrees -Ta-teen tee aoa tea tne he to toe peuit er psce aft beginning a ad aise, all those certain lota pteeee er parcels of load siiaeto, lying and beng tn ths city oft Biwhu Ira, county of K.uft aod '-tats of New Idri, boindedandd9iwrtcel ax follow. Beg nsingat a txdnteotoe southerly aids of Van Furen iro4 fiAtent uiree hundred aod ninety feet and etx tt) inches from toe earner of Lewis axeiae and an Boren street, running thence svauriy parade WiUi an Bar street and part ef tna distaace through a petty waQ one hundred (Kmij text, theooe oasteriy partid! with Nan Bares street fliiy-three i gix 6 nchea Uea. no toer.y aao ralalxita Nan Bare 4 rt of tu- dtaranee thcoagl a wfcu on- fei to Vaa Bit a thence westerly an Bura sxee a ty uiree 5 ieeS to) ice to the et or j. a of togiamaA Dated Is, fa KS Mr ff A5.

Fe'cree. Lq JkVvwr. turt tires, j. ft 'li A EriUiaat Opsning of the Academy of Musio 3Iy Jack in the Ijee Avenue Mephlsto and Electric Wonders in the Grand The Rush for sShenan doah Continues Excellent Attrac-tlons In the Other Places of Amuse- ment. Tbe doors of the Academy, which nave been rigorously cloeei all summer to all except tbe hosU of painters, plumbers and decorators engaged in renovating tbe building, were last nibt thrown open to the public, and tbe famous McCaull Opera Troupe gave the ttrst performance of tbe season.

The appaaraned of tbe auditorium has been vastly improved. No structural changes have been made ip the interior, but the decorating art has been so successfully employed that old habitues could not at first believe that it bad not been radically altered- Tbe ida of those wbo have directed the improvements has been to give the house a more iiqbt and airy aspect, and this idea has been most successfully carried out. The fronts of tbe several tiers of boxes have been paiutel Abnlliant white, picked out with gold, while tbe walls and background have received acoat of rich crimson; tbe sombre appearance of the old house is gone, and tbe effect of tbe new and rich tints is almostdazzimg. As tbe audience moved in tbe lights were all turned fully on, aud murmurs of admiration were beard on evry haud. The opening piece was the opera bouffe known as tbe Suabians, by Carl Mil-locked, which was heard here for tbe first time.

It is one ot tboe medleys of rollicking fun, of broad farce and delicious music in which the McCaull troupe find their true element. The plot is not clearly defined, but that is Dot material, as it serves tbe purpose of bringing ont tbe drolleries and absurdities on wmen the piece doends for its effects. There is a magician, faracelsas (Mr. Cotton), very sugfteetiveof Meohistopbles, wboplave apromi-neut part and whose diablenes enliven every scenA He is the companion and cronv of Count Oilman (Mr. Olcott); Katherine (Lilly P03 is the heroine of the piav, and tbe Count lavs a wager with Paracelsus that he will win the roaiJeu away from tbe aged lover, NieoJemus Zopf (Mr.

Joycj), to whom she is betrotoea, though quite against ber will. Tbe Count has an eay conquest, but it turns out tnat bis lutentions were not honorable, and toe virtuous maiden, bornfled ac this discovery, denounces and repudiates him. Meanwhile t'ie Count tans fallen honestly in love with Katherine, ana, repenting of bis evil purpose, seeks to win her band in marriage, but she is siow to forgive hlux Tim, ol course, abe finally don, however, and at the end o( tbe third act everybody becomes virtuous, aud, of cour-te, happy. Miss Boat is a charming mezzo-soprano atucer, reminding one strongly of Kmma Jucb, bur is even better looking. Tbe scene is laid at Bcuttgart, which is supposed to be besieged.

Tbre is a very fupoy army of defenders, reminding one strongly of Foiistaffs ragged regiment, who are thrown into spasms of ingot at tbe sound of bursting bomb, and a large and well drilled cborua Ibe drolleries and laughable bvpliy are continuous, and toe topical bits kep the galleries in a roar. The audience was large and enthusiastic, and everything went off swim- uungly. Lee Avenue Academy of Music. My Jack a powerful melodrama, received Its first production in this etty last evening at Berger and Price's Lee Avenue Academy, and an audience that almost filled the theatre voiced tbeir approval of the play by frequent bursts of applausei. The plot of My Jack is the same old story of two innocent and loving hearts about to become one being separated by the macbmationsof an oity-tongued villain, wbo finds a ready accomplice ia a vagabond Greek.

Tbe villains deoil it to get tbe lover out of the way, whose estate he is wrongfully enjoying, and then marry his betrothed. Tbe plots with which he schemes to entrap 4 them they readily fall into, and tbe lover is accused of muidenng hislbetrothed's brother, of which tbe villainous Greek was guilty. Jibe brother, who is an caped convict, is visited by bis sister in an old mill where be is eluding the officers. Tbe lover is told by tbe villain that his betrotoed is untrue to him, and to prove that his words are true be nds bim to tbe old mill, where tbe lover finds his only love just leaving the fugitive. He doee not know of the brothers existence, believing bim to be dead.

Tbe Greek baa tbe paper of tbe rightful beir of tbe estates and hidee them in tbe old mill, wnere the convict is in biding, tod on oot finding the papert whare be had placed them the Greek kills tba oonvlct a nd make, bis escaoe just as the lover reaches the ill. The crime is fastened upon him but a jury acquits him and be enlists iu Her Majestys navy. Tbe Greek in tbe search for bis missing papers also gets on board tbe man of-war. A baitie is supposed to have inken place and the hero and tbe Greek find themselves separated from their comrades and on a desert island. Tbe Greek, who has been wounded, confesses before be dies to tbe hero tbe wrengs be has committed, and tells him bow he is the rightful heir to the estate which the viUaio is enjoying, and that be (the Greek) killed tbe con vice Tbe bero is rescued by his comrades aud sails for borne a lieutenant iu the service.

Then comes tbe deuouetneut and tae lovers are again bappv. Tbe play Is full of startling dramatic situations aud well mounted. Tbe company is evenly balanced, and each part is so well sus stained by the principals that to say anything in praise of one would be to detract from ao other. Tbe obief characters were: Dorothy Prescott, the heroine, Ethel Barrington; Mrs. Prescott, the blind mother, Kate Meek; Jack Meredith, tbe hero, Walter Saudford; Bir Edward Van ou ns, tbe oily-tougued villain, George Hoey; Charles Prescott, the escaped couviot, John E.

Martin; and Ciro panitsa, the Greek, P. Aug. Anderson. Tbe humorous parts were in tbe bands of Jennie Christie as Mary Ibertson, Charles Frew as Patrick Doo-lan. and Alexander Fisher as Holomoa Hew-htt.

Matinees will be given Wednesday and (Saturday, Next week Shenandoah. The Awphlea, Mr. Harrigan and his excellent New York company" began a week's engagement at tbe Ampbion last mgbt in Squatter Sever eisnty, a farce-comedy which bad a run of over 300 nights in tbe great metropolis on its first production. It is, as all playgoers know, a realistic picture of Irish life in Bhautytowu on the heights of Harlem, in tbe days antedating elevated railroads and modem suburban improvements. Tbe scene exhibiting tue old shanties and tbe high wooden staircases which led up to some of tnern, and the geeoe and ducks ana goats which used to luxuriate in native (freedom and dirt all around them, and the touhs of both sexes toat congregated on tba corners and played pranks on evert respectable pedestrian Umt was unfortunate enough to pass by, is as natural as life itself op mere used to ba.

Mr. as Felix Mclutyre, was as clever aod lunnv as ever; James RadHiffe as Dai ius. Harry Davenport as ISalein Sheerer, and Hattie Moore as Joeephtne Jumble, were very good, and tbe company as a whole was competent and well dnllra; while Hnrry Fisher as Ferdinand Kline quickly won universal ap-oroval by bis remarkably clever representation. which maae such a bit in New York; but tbe truest artist of ail was Mrs. Annie Yeamans as the Widow Nolan, so perfectly natural, so worn anlv, so entirely free from exaggeration and coarseness, aud yet so lively and so delightfully humorous, was ber oactmecifc ol the difficult role.

Tbe old songs were all repeated and encored, Mrs. Yeamans singing of Widow Nolans Goat," Miss Moores Forlorn Maid, and George Mrrirts sweet, rendering of Faddy Duffys Cart receiving esieciai and deserved approval. In short, Harngan and Sovereignty" are both popular, and will surely draw crowded bouses toniirbt and to morrow nigat and afternoon. On Thursday an i the remainder of the week tbe Leatner Fateh. which some call Harrigans masterpiece, will he given.

Gras! Opera Haase. ttowis Morrison, with his drams tie version of Faust," was welcomed back to the Grand Opera House last night by an audience tbet missed no opportunity of giving him friendly evidence of regard and bsarty appreciation of bis artistic method. He was called before tbe Curtain several times, and Rosabel Morrison, bis daughter (Marguerite), and Carrie Carter (Martha), received similar tokens of the appreciation of tbeir efforts. The piay bas been considerably improved in several respects since its last production in tbu city, aod tba company, which includes a number of those wbo were in tbe cast last season, leaves little to be dasi red in its iQterpretatin of tne various roles. Mr.

Momons impersonation of Mepbisto is as masterly, as artistic, as ever, and he bas even broxJeued and rendered more powerful bis presentation of the satamo character as conceived by bimeif. Bus the most noticeable improvement over previous productions of iaust" has been mads in the soeuic and mechanical effect. Mr. Morrison has brought electricity to bis aid, bas chained lightning to bis service, so to spemt, and as a result some of tbe most beautiful stage effects ever seen in a theatre were given laMj DtgbL Tbe Brocken scene was naraeteriEed by its usual weird, demoniacal features, but at its close tne shrieking, dancing wiicoef and aeraons wer surroaodid ai- 'he R97. J.

J. Whites Half Century in the Pulpit. Golden Jubilee Celebration in the Bedford Avenue ML E. Church Speeches, a Concert sod a Sapper The Legion of Honor Represented. The Rev.

J. J. White celebrated Hie fiftieth year of his ministry by a golden jubilee lad oigbt in tbe Bedford Avenue M. Church. Tbe building was barely large enough to bold all wbo were attracted to it, and tbe seating accommodations were far from ample.

Back of and above tbe pulpit on tbe wall bung a flaming red banner, on which in gilt was the inscription, 1840 Golden Jubilee 1890." Draped around this were the National colon, while on either side hong tbe Sunday school banners. The Rev. Mr. White, wearing a navy-blue cap, gilt bound, which be did not remove during tbe exercises, occupied a front seat, end was tbe recipient of congratulations from scores of friends and acquaintances. At 7 oclock supper was served, but (here were so many late comers that tbe pastor announced toat those wbo had not already partaken of tbe good thinz3 in the lectnre room might do ao after the concert.

Before the regular programme was begun tbe Rev. Ur. White introduced tbe Rev. D. H.

Robbins, of Paterson, N. who delivered an anecdotical address, Ur. Robbins was for many yean engaged in missionary work in Ireland, and in quaint style he told of manr ludicrous and laughable experiences that be had while there. He put the audience into tbe very beet of humor, and bis remarks were swarded a good deal of hearty laughter and applause. Tbe first number of the programme rendered as a solo by J.

D. Stewart. A recitation, Golden Jubil-e," by George W. Marks, followed, and next came a violin solo by Master Mints. Mis Ray Kelt rendered tbe solo, In Old Madrid," Mrs.

Taylor and daughter played banj duet, and Migs Allda Bruen recited Aqx Italian. Mrs. Dr. James Watt Fleming fang a solo. Miss Nina Drummond played on the banjo, and another solo was rendered by F.

B. Dovejor. B'arcblng Among tbe Slain was recited by Mrs. William H. Israel; gar 8.

Girard taos a tenor solo, and Mr. Winham recited (with chorus) Tbe Picket Guard." Instrumental music waa furnished during the evening by an orchestra. Among those who attended was a large delegation from Sh Johns Council, No. 3. American Legion of Honor, of which tbe Rev.

Mr. White is chaplain. Tbe council had been specially invited to be present, and tbe number that responded was gratifying to all interested. The companions wore the insignia of the order, ai also did Hr. White.

BASEBALL ft tba BrMegrssM I fsatsd Yet eV my. CLKVXLOiro, Bept. 23. Wards team met with another defeat here yesterday at the bands of tbe Clevelands, which virtually debars them from capturing the pennant, Tbe visitors were not in tbe game at all Weyhing, one of tbeir best pitches was in tbe box, but tbe Forest City lads just played all around them. McGill, wbo pitened fdfr tbe borne club, was au enigma to ards heavy bitters, aod four scattered safe bits was all they could get.

Tbe manner in which ths home team pounded Weybiog can be sized up from th fact tbat tbeir betting averages were fattened to tbs extent of seventeen safe bits, including two and three baggers. Umpu es, Pearce and Snyder. Attendance, 63A Score by innings: Cleveland 0 1 0 0 0 8 1 18 .....0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Brooklyn 'N. Chicago N. L.

Chicago, Bept, 23. The Bridegrooms defeat yesterday by Ansons colts bas placed the latter team pretty close to tbe leaders in tne National Lsagoe, bat there is hardly anv danger of tbe Brooklyns losing any more games than tbe Chicago up to the close of tbe season. It was Lovetts turn to be bit bard, though the fourteen runs soured by toe boma club were in a great measure due to tbe errors of tha visitors and tbe yellow decisions given by Umpire Powers. Good-eye" Bums made several kicks against Powers decisions, and be was fined to the extent of $45, and then ordered from the field. Com to era taking bis place.

Luby pitched good ball for tbe borne club. Attendance, 1,439. Boors by Innings: Cbicssro Jt 1 0 0 1 8 0 714 J) 1 0 0 0 0 0 o- Other Games Played purm1 tmm Now York. Pittsburg, A Prulsdelphia. 15; Buff ilo, 9.

Boston, ill; Chicago, Rino.ui. Litoaa York, ft; Pittsburg, A Cleveland, Boston, 4, Pfiilaueipbia, Cinoinnatl, 5. A Mk RIO AS AUOOXATtO. Toledo Syracuse, 1 Rochester, SL Louis, 1. The Reeerd PLAT a as' LSAOUA Wfm.L'n,Pcl Club, f- ift A.

Clubs Boston 77 Brooklyn. 73 New 70 68 Fon.Ijt,Pd 43 .612 9 61 .531 62 .6 54 65 .454 53 velanii 73 .410 57 .537 Buff 83 90 68 MATIOKAL LEAGUE Clubs. IFm.irt.P,cf Clubs, Wctn.LLTcl 80 43 ADlOinoionatL. 72 53 .681 51 .58 New 5 54 .475 PbiisdelM 74 49 Cleveland 41 8i .33 50 21 107 ARABIC Aft ASSOOIATZOft. Chibs.

Tfon.IttJPV. Chib. Won.L'itp'et Louisville 77 40 Bochester. 67 56 609 8 Louis-. TO 46 65 61 .474 Columbus 4 67 63 Svracus 43 69 R64 Toledo 69 63 63 84 .243 Games 8rho4IM Mar VATtOftAI, LCAGUA At Pittsburg Pittsburg va New York (two games).

AnarCAft association. At St. Louis St. Louis vs. Athletic.

At Toledo Toledo vs. Baltimore. At Columbus Columbus vs. fivracuse. At Louisville Louisville 79.

itoobester BLOWN TO AT0M3. Frlfhtfiil Beanie ef the Rxploetea ef a Im comatlve Bstler CBATTAHOpOA, Bept 23. Th boiler of an engine attached to a freight train on tbe East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Rail road exploded last night at Sherman Heights, five milW from Cbattaoooea. All tbat can be found of tbs engineer and fireman tt a coat, A brakeman waa seriously injured. The engine was blown to atoms.

The train was climbing up tbe steep grade near Bbermao Height ju; south of the Ion? tunnel that kom through Mwsioo Ridz when witboat warning tbe boiler let go. Tbe body of tbe engeueer was bloww 8u0 feet, and the boiler bend tore through t' basem*nt of a bouse 900 feet from tbe track. Good Templars for Prohibition. A meeting of tbe Kings County Lodge of Good Templars was held Saturday evening In its rooms corner of Court and State streets, and the subject of adopting tbe reoommeoda tions of the Executive Committee proposing a plan for enabling the ordr in this county to do its share of work for the prohibitory amendment to tbe State Coostun-tion to be voted for on tbe second Tuesday in April next, was dismsed and adopted, although no appropriation had yet been made for this purpose, ltn plan adopted was to order a special committee to take charge of this work and to request each subordinate lodge in the eouutvOo select a memoer to act in conjunction with them. Tne county lodge Tored tne use of its rooms tne third Saturday evening in each month for public meetiog.

except November and February, and each subordinate lodge ts requested to take similar action. The committee ooosists of John L. Mitchell, Walter Manda villa and CL E. Adams, Sadden Death. Sunday morning John Walsh, ot 684 Hick street, was taken suddenly ill.

Neigh bors sent few an ambulance, but before the surgeon arrived the man died. Coroner Rooney will hold an inquest this afternoon. catarrh, CATARRHAL DAFN SS AY FCVCR A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or toat they are due to the presence of living parasites the lining membrane of tbs nose and eustachian tnosa, Macroscopic research, however, bas proved this to be a fact, and tne result of this discovery is tbat a simple remedy has bee a formulate! whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple appllcaaous made at home by tne patient once two weeks. B.

This treatment ts not a snuff or an ointment; botn hare been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious, A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is oeafc free on receipt of stamp to pay postage, by A. H. Dixon Bim, 3J7 end 3.S) Wt Kinx Streep Toronto, Canaria. Curistam Advocate, Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should carefully ml tne above. The rsurk, Shenandoah started on the second week of Its almost immeasurable success at tbe Park Toe-atre last night, and as at every performance last week, tbe playhouse was packed to the very doors.

There was tbe same enthusiasm manifested as there was during tbearly part of the engagement, and all the special features of the entertainment, in either stage effects and realism or the work of tba players, were awarded demonstrative approval. There have been many attempts made id tos city to run a angle play two weeks, but never with a satisfactory result in a financial way. bbenandoah seem certain to be a record-breaker in tbu respect if the initial performs aoce of the second week may be taken as a criterion. A Iready tbe sale of seats for tbe week has been such as to insure a big audience at each performance, fcitnart Robson will present The Henrietta" next Monday. Holmes Star Theatre a be seoond week of Holmes1 handsome OLar Theatre opened last evening with as large and refined an audience as greeted its inaugural one a week ago.

Last night Henry Pettett realistic melo drama, Binds Across tbe Sea," was the at-traouoo offered to the admiring audience and was well received. Tbe play, which is a thrilling tale of land and sea, is laid ia England, France and Ans tralla, an I tbe scenic effects are saalistic and marvelous. It was presented by tbe original company, under the direction of Cl B. Jefferson and IS. lay lor, and tbe hero of tne play.

Jack Dudley, a young Engluo farmer, was assumed by George Frederic Nasb, wbo woo the laurels' of the evening by bis very flue acting Edna Carey, Lillian Jlelford, tba heroine, proved herself to be an actress of no mean ability. Henry Pierson, who plaved tbe disagreeable and trying part of Robert Still-wood, tbe villain, is deserving of special mention, and he showed the crafty and villainous nature of his part to such perfection that be won the bate of bis audience, aud several times be was roundly hissed. Charles J. Jackoo, as Tom Bassett, a young English gentleman, was very good, and scored several bits. Anna Belmont, as Lucy NettJewood, an actress well worthy of mention, and at times last evening she became very powerful.

Tbe rest of tbe characters were well acted, and altogether tbe piay is one of the best offered this season. One little incident last night showed the thorough Americanism of the audience. It was the fourth act, which represeuts a ship bound for Australia and one of the officers in tbe act of raising tbe British flig. As soon as the audience saw it, they hissed so much that tbe officer was compelled to haul it down. Between the acts Mr.

Holmes provided an excellent musical treat by bis orchestra, under tbe direction of 8. Teete, and bstweea tbe third and fourth act Elwarl Kirwan delighted toe andieuce with a flute and piccoio solo, and was well applauded. Hands Across tne will be con tinned tbe rest of the week. Pro Otars Theatre The attraction last evening at Proctors was tbe play which proved so successful last season Hermlnie; or, the Cross of GjIL" This play bas been seen so often in and around Brooklyn that a synopsis of its plot is unnecessary. Tbe play bas been revised daring the vacation reason, and though it has been diminished as to the length of performance, it bas been greatly increased in interest and dramatic effectiveness.

William Redmond ns Paul Durand still maintains tbe artistic excellence tbat marked bis last seasons delineation of tbe character, aud bas evidently been practising ctmsidersblr at fencing, a bis sworusmmship it ft vast improvement oa tmt it formerly was. Beatrice Lieb, as Hermtnie, ihowed marked aoility ia to tuooaK(ullr Siling a role of sued diverse shades of coarse ter. Her mirth and joyoosnew were as natural and unrestrained as a chiias, while ber sorrow ana misery were so realistic as to move tbe female auditors to tears, and even to cause unusual feelings in the breasts of tbe men. Clare Bwaris was a beautiful and deceitful Germaine Baauferrand, and Louise Paarcs a giriisn sod captivating ingenue. E.

L. Duane a- Sergeant Pablo, a French-Irishman, lurmsaed the laughter needed for lightening up the piav, and the remainder of tbe cast was effective and capable. Tbe house was crowded and tbe applause frequent and enthusiastic. The scenery and stage flttiQis have been remodeled as wallas the plar itself, and every Change bas been an improvement, particularly tne falling wall aud tableau at tne end of the first act. Her be given all the week and at the usual matinees.

Usher mad Oebbardte Cosine. There was a large audience and an excellent bill in tbe Elm Place Casino last night, and the result was simply another success to be credited to tbe management. Tbe programme included Minnie Sobult in new songs, Johnnie Carroll in many comicalities, Drowse in his wonderful juggling, Rosalind Morton, tbe onaoge artist, aud William Payne, tbe player of many instrumeuta. Prof. Kirchndrs orchestra of soloists rendered some delightful music dunug tbe evening, and he in Us violin solos received repeated encores.

The Fa I lea Msiesa mad Theatre TbU new amuseiqeut resort opened its doors yesterday and received a liberal patronage, Tbe opening bill included Siguor Doddaretti, Minuie Dodleretti and ber educated dog, Stephen Stephens and bis Puoob and Judy show, and Lino Levetti, tbe Hindoo juggler, in tbe Curio Hail. On tbe theatre stage appeared Sablou, Wbo imitates the facial expressions of greet men; Prof. Elmer maricum: Csrne Branneck, Caponti, the juggler; Lota and Ms giniey iu a trapae ect. sv smed by Sabi Selim, tbe down: Aug. Schmitt, the Dnoon autars, dancars, and Leonard and Watson.

Irish comedians. Tbe curio halt on the floor ahore the theatre. Tbe perform-snees aod exhibits in tbe curio ball are. given for the price of an admission ticket, one dime, but seats the taeatre oan be secured at a small outlay. Bennetts Cnatnn There is a first-class entertainment, offered tbe patrons of Bennetts for this week, ioc lading Berman and Liman, Belac and Ouda, from Puns.

Harry aod Lizzie Rotb. Alice Howard and th International Lady Orchestra. Last night there was a nig crowd ia attendance, who enthusiastically encored the various features on the programme. filethod 1st Temperance Leaf a Meet lag. A special meeting of tbe Methodist Temperance League of Kings Couaty will be held Thursday evening, at the Nostrand Avenne IX.

E. Church, to take action upon a resolution to be submitted to tbe Board of Managers, expressing the sentiments of tbe league on tba question of the pending prohibitory amend meot to the btate Constitution. Tbe Revs. A Keodigft and John N. blear os will speak.

NEWS IN Sycaway Villa, three miles from Troy, N. the country residence of George N. Manchester, a broker, residing in East 116th street. New Yopk, was burned on Sunday mgbt. Mr.

Manchesters little boy, Ralph, pens tied in toe flames. Oliver Dalrvmple, of North Dakota, bas harvested 25.000 acres of wheat and estimates his crop at 450.000 bushels. At last the Worlds Fair site in Chicago bas been chosen This time it ia Washington Park. Deputy Sheriff Louts F. Merkle, of Queens Couuty, wbo fatally wounded Policeman Schott in Long lsiand City yesterday morning.

surrendered himself last night to the coroner. Hs says he shot Scaott in salt defease, At a height ot forty feet from tbe ground, suspended from a tree in the woods near Ber tin, was found on Sunday the body of a fashionably dressed man. A gold and a gold-nmmed monocle aud a weU-fiffed purse were fouod at the foot of the tree. Mrs. Jane who looks to be about 63 years old, is living at Parkersbura, W.

103 years. Boa does tbe finest sewing wunout glaase ami smokes a corncob PIP ISsTKl CTiOft. STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. Saponpr facilities are afforded young men and young women ia WRIUHTS BUflINEflfl COLLftdfi. Broad way.

Corner Bedford At-, for learning ateoograpliy and lfivnUna Fire hoars luetr icuoa and practice. Twenty Standard typewriters lo use. LA B4LLR IRfiTITUTE, CENTRAL PARK, BurTK.1 (Ylsltors entranre, lui West Ftfty-nlntb sf RKUPKN8 SAKDNEAD4Y, SKiT. FOLYTECHNIC.ACADKMIC AND BUHINF3S COl k.NF S. Regular Lessons In Oymnaetirs and Military Drill A limited number of boarders receive.

For catalog ae adurees BROTHER JAXS, Director. EW YORK ATENTL INSTITUTE, 1333 rACirir UTRKKT. roiSER HEW I OUKAlMi. 1 MISS FABSO.4 AND MISS DKHNEH, FKIACIPALa. Fall terns begins Sent 9i, Full course of stnrty.

I Girls prepared (or eo.lega Bors admitted to Kin-dergartea aad Primary Departaenta Ml IA WHITCOMBS HLHOOl FOR young ladlee and children Retnsen HA- CPBNft sept 24 Careful indlrldual lustraeTien. flta eota preoerod for oolieiet Ielarte aystem ot physleai enltaro. The Prtoapsl at hom*o aud oir-o iars oa tppltosUm by mall. TUK CHITTENDEN B( HOOL for Glrlft and Boys, 97 Mick I si. Flflb year, fleptv I'fe-srfttory, Frlmsrysad KlnAoiftrtiMi ffrp U.

Miss M. WII EkLLR. FrmcipaL vSewoupiii rflCsiTod stter Sepu 10. A. M- ThorwurB 011001 for boys, military drill soesl masio; languasses rational m-tbi1n fifth year booiift 8pt jL OKuHOB BlDBNCAN.

M-, Ph. D. i Berlin aod Harvard), Director, flood for hew catalogue. ri'HR BRITOOHT gi'IHMIL IDKOIKIA, A 445 Nosirafid ave. knghsh, s'aaeics, mst hematics end modern iaarnsgea Iieisarte system.

IndirMual InstracUon Sew pnplls received Mon-day and Tuesday. HrxMtat.ons begin -ept. 4. Mrs. Adeline Klptlng.


Lstablisht 1873. V4 llntoa pi. York City. SCHOOL K4P1U. Mttfl B.

BURVZ. Principal, (flth sl W. oi Broad war. Sew Coil or send for circa Lara. MISS ROUNDS HtUOOL FOR GIML8 6j CLINTON AVE FALL TERM WILL BKOIR BEPT.

23. After Sept 15 Miss Rounds can ho oonsultod from 1 to P. M. mHE EAefiAt INSTITUTE Day indbrnnl. A ing school for firm had yonng Imlioa, 4i9 laason eorner idmcv st, opoae Its twonty-Ward year flepL 13 Kin lerrarten Dopartmont inclnded.

Ciroalars upon applioauoa. rrHE BERH.BLEY INSTITUTE FOB 1 183 AND 185 LINCOLN PLACfi, Will reopen September 24. LOCKWOOD ACADEMY, 138 and 140 SOUTH OXFORD ST. 1 For both sexes ana all ages), BEOPLNd HKPT. 8, 18'jQ, CHKlftTIAftSKft INSTITUTE.

119 tiXTHAVl, BHOokLYN. Homs and Dav flohool. Silver Metal, Faria Exposition 1883, Prop. ORKEftlTfi ftciiool Lafayette opeoe Bopk 2A AU departments. for Circular Q1 RT BU8INESH COL Ol LBOK guarantees thorough Counting-House Training aad position to sil lanr exp rt stud sum A fair knowiadgs ot hng.Uh is necessary to outer ths Businere Iiopartiaeat A Preparatory DO- Eartmont is iwovHiod tor one backward.

AU teach-ig bs.og spara not tn Cas, students of any age both sexes begin at any mo. day or evening-A Business itAlalu ts technical, it mast bo acquired at spoils! tnsUtntlons aud from trataod ia tractors. Csll or write to i 4 Fulton st. tor Cato, toguo, Ao. Off! os oo ttrst floor optmeite Johaeoa RLblCAL lSTEUTlOV E3TAB3LiIflHKP 1803.

Henry UaDeukaers College of Music, TS LIVINGSTON ST. BROOKLYN. Opoas Soph 9 toe Son arm 190 and 1891 A. M. in 9 P.


102, 104 and 108 COURT flti noarfitato OPENED feEPT. 42. BANClftG. K. FRANK, DODWuRTH U1 testims iBStrnetton for too sonsoa 1890 aad ism TUE8DAY, OCT.

At th Brooklyh lost: late, 1 jd washtagtos A RESIDENCE. 686 CLINTON AYE. hl'KEOUATKfl NOTICED. TH 6 PEOPLE of the state of Now York, by the grace of Oed free and independent, to Alisa-both Chandler, Josephine Weed. Robert Eider, franklin c.

elder naa tillian Elder cnlldron of Robert Eldar, deceased, a paternal noetoirf y.tam fl L.aer, folhsr of uooeased Ueorro P. irn, Juiia R. A dam a Jonmo Wataoa and Looio Have Wcyer (etuidrsa of George 1 or. ilrrssrl. a poceraot naclo et aa-d WiilAm EL dor, deceased) Mlnmlo Matt titaaghter of Lewreaco Elder, a deceaeed sen of omd las' named George Elder, oesoaea 1 aasio Vaas.

Leuisios Haveroeer. Adelaide Pctcnt and Gtergo Eider ((-hilitren of Goo. go W. L. Icr aloteo4 Child ot said last named George KiderL Anna K.

Crump iiiagluer of Ann Lliza. deeeeaf daughter of told last siasl George Lldor. le aey heirs or next of kin of tstSsroe Skier, ot iitiam 6 Rider ueoeaoed mothor af oeorge P. Elder, oe-finass 1 i-irh-t- maiden svmowas athartoo Bar-reiti, II any there he iks name ef asul partite cannot ho heirs and next of gin et Geurg P. Eider, deceased, send greeting: Whereas, Rosa M.

Mer, of the city of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, has late. petitioned our flurTvcnts court af the county of K.ari to have a eerwiu instrument in wriung. hearing date the twot jHeuuift Uf of llarto, li'O, reiaung to real and ro-Tai oiute, doly proved as tha last wui end Cos ament of ttoorge P. Elder, late of said city of Broc yn. deceased-ts teroro.

you. aad each ef too. are hereby cited and joqmred to appear heforo a Hnregato Court of the county et Rtnga to he held at tlo Hat of Records. In the c.ry of, on tuo fftth day of feeptsmber, law), atteaooiock intno frenooQ. and tcers to attend too probate of too said last wul and testament.

And that too above-named infanrs toon and there show eauae way asp oai guardian tumid mot be appointed to nonear for the ea toe probate of said Ust will and tea in Testimony whereof, wo have eonsed tos seal of xr said surrogate a Court to 1m hereonte a ftxed. Witnese Hon. eorere AkiMlt. ferronate I our at tuo city of Brwk ja, the of a in too yaw el war Lora one mwasirt sgat hundred and lunoty. JUDAH B.

VOOBHEES. Cierk of the Surrogate oart. Jimn.Tn vi a Uatps.v Atwmeji lurf-n. Uker, j'Jtci, is? jj; I I GlfPRIPP MU-lf virtn wr.l eft i5 stK-41 ou mu-d eit ee rrv of Now 1 ora. to ara Sire, ten ae Aetivorefi I viiiMluy yti.a iujii tr i ooraaa a horri-gan, aocuooer at i i -e my ol ffro-raiyn.

vfl tfs of -yo soif 1 siiJeetocc feaiB. sltnengnt Utissbd nhifth James i Us-li hd iih dar Of arr-U. ivnj or anv ihh thereafter in jdo ba il aoeve iwni, aiy oe of. nki'l to li te toitoWeg fiearr ind ttta a of XxLgs aud felate i v-k fteg a at a po forra-l -rr lira ar" ra ef toe vf rot v-ra WWT li, a -t ar4 aveoua.rasnip tfte ra ne lif a ra llna eft armie vra4 lnin le) aa i if i feet to too men -e toue nf P4 easterly abfo ef te whw ti oft laraera tre-. nn ag tfteoe te aa( the rdlur te nt hs'tdrefi vt toon nr 1T', ires.

srer or ass touiucr.F tuft ea prs st Farads aver huafirM and nrr i- fret to tbs nor. lsriy Hne and nQBmf thswcs easterly aog thavihr a sf ruutfl svanes vn tr4 ae 1 a I "St feet. aor or late lae er e- Eu. rmg i -al-d a vn LJljfe.i-i-. kHIM 'Uf f.

-ite' 7 A-1 Ti a ol Pi 's J'prtv teraby porffoEUi 1-0, ias- an 1 eft -Q it. BH I ft AH -h er-9 lb ash Ue there pTfi'ay Is fcy ps 4 fr 2. a I fr. 1- U. Ai.


The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.