The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

THE BROOKLYN CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, INANClALi SPORTINGWOULD ANEW CLUB MOVE rowe, will have to be observed, if the duly ap-lolntad eoxawalna expect to bold their posi-lons. Our naphtha fleet also contributed largely to the pliMura of the members, and their owner! deserve epeeiel mention for that ressoa, Tbe boathouse wee closed for the eeMon on Oct. 33, linos which time all boat have been repaired and are in fairly good serviceable condition to open tha season of Tha boatbouia will need some repairs on tbe inshore end, north eide, and owing to the shallow water at low tide in front of the boathouse, It will be necessary in tbe early spring to eitfnd the runway tome forty feet, which, when done, will, together with repairs to tbe boathouse, possibly be the extent of tbe expenditures required in that direction for some years. It may so happen that by the several out-of-town clubs, who have been attracted by tbe prizes offered to tbe winners. The classes are 110, 118, 128 and 140 pounds.

Entries close on Jan. 9 with A. Hummarth, O. Box 187, Long Inland City. Loutbvillx.

Ky.f Jan. 5. Charldv Blnsher, of Louisville, and Charles Yokes, of Covington, fongbt last night with five ounce glove for a purse of 9500 and the light-weight championship of Kentucky. The fight took plnce three miles, from the-qity limits and was attended by 800 person at 95 head. Blusher won in the thirtieth round.

Borrarx), N. Jan. 6. The wrestling match last night between Ed. Atherton, of Belfast, N.

and Joe Carroll, of England, for a 9700 parse, given by the Iroquois Athlotic Club, was won by Curroll in two straight falls. The men worked like Trojans lrom llwclock m. uutil 2 oclock a. zu, lrom llclock KOOKLYN 1NVRHTMENT SECURITIES YKhTERpAY C'LOHIMi QUOTATIONS. bjr Rtapiva 4 Na 915 Montana Talaphuu No.

a 1.0, Brooklyu At Untie Avenue R. Co. 7 p. c. Atlantic A vAstM R.

Co. A Bnikiii'TrfltKn Oo 'lock, Mtock, Irftf. i hrnuklyn City it. (Jo. lAi lirmklyn (Jity K.

H. Co. 11 con. bd 107 Brmiwlyn Heiht CahUt R. K.btU Brooklyn H.

U. Oo, A p. c. lid 10) Iiruunlyn R. Oq.

6 u. o. bda O. 0. nod NetowVH.

Co. ft p. e. (' I II (SmitUol.j R. H.

To. I. and B. M. R.

Co. p. e. bdi Croutown lUilrotd Co. ft p.

Ihid ieUii'1 iraotion Bo. Brooklyo Cea. R. Oo. 7 P- o.

bonds, bo. Brooklyn Can. i. ft p. e.

bonds. Gvni Hi. and Newtown K. Co, 6 p.o b. Brooklyn imCo, .1 Itiiena () o.atock fit ia tae Oo.

ft p. o. JoltuD Maniu'pal liSi to. ulock full on Municipal Co. ft p.

q. Metropollisn CsvCo. stock trioliio tia Co ftp. o. bends Mamsu slock hsMan UAdCo.

ft o. cortilicste jVopieB Uas Co. sloek. feople'aCtsl'o. ft p.

e. rs.iplo's Can Oo. ft u. o. bonds illlamubar Qss Co.

i Asks. ft? left iKJ Vs I The jCitizen! I I EVERY DAY For Everybody. 'W FOR THE FATHER, FOR THE MOTHER, l0R THE DAUGHTER, FOR THE SON. THE BEST Social News, Political News, Business News Religious Neu Musical News FashionNews Sporting News General News. 09eeo9' I All the News QF ALL THE WORLD, But It Is Pre-eminently A HOME E- NEWSPAPEB I 1 composed I Lyons, eaptain, A Bchutz, F.

Baker. H. F. Gunnison and F. Lamb, were at their posta.

Those of Four and Seven were oonspicions by tbelr absence. These wore, in Fonr. N. H. vans A.

D. Baird, J. Do Long IL Molienhaaer, (X O. Herx: and, iu Seven. George W.

Hawkins, R. F. Woilen, R. J. Knox, E.

Wheeler, G. H. Bchntt, Jr. After waiting until the projier time the first and eeood games wore declared forfeited to teaim in which they would have apperred if the absent howlerrhad been present in force. The tuird game, which, in tbe order of play was ae- signed to teams Four an Seven, is open for contention.

The tournament has yet four nights to run. closing on the first Thursday Iu February, 1804. Trophies for ths viotor are provided but what they consiotof ie known only to the committee having thduteution in charge. Bedford Bowlers Deferred. The Bedford branch bowlers were badly beaten in section tournament of tbo M.

A. League st the Central Branch alleye, New York, last Wednesday night Tho scores: great oaks. Cwatral Htrboid, 128: Petera, 119; Cochlaa, lAtg MaraniM, 147; Fotkwa 133674. 133: Dajrbill, 163: Man. 1ST; Use.

170-168. SECOND OAMI Cniial-Hnbold. 163: Peten, 164: Cochlaa. 11( M.ruoirt, 143: 164 303. BeJiord-J.

133; D.jbiil, U4; Parkaf. 13T Man. 130: Mack. Bowline The leei eerie of game in th Shanghneeif Brooklyn tonrnament will rolled on tb lltHli of thia month. A ab-tourney in to follow im.

mediately after, and a meeting to organlz the urn will be held on Tneeday, tbe 23d met. POOL ANDBILUARDS. Frogreu of tbe Interclub League Serle and Score. Th fifth meeting et th Interclub Billiard and Fool League took place last evening at the Oxford and Montank clubs. The matches to be contested war aa tollowa: Billiard At Oxford Clnb Oxford: f.

A. Keeny. 250; J. R. Beard, 140.

Crescent Attw leti Clnb: Howard Bonne, 140; Dr. Jenninge, 250, Fool Oxford: t. O. Keeny. A.

C. Benedict. Creecent Athletic Club: A. dharmaa, H. B.

Robert. F. A. Keeny, of th Oxford Clnb, won tha firet game ol Dr. Jennmgt.

of the Creecent Athletio Clnb, won the Second game of billtarda. C. A- Sherman, of tbe Crescent Athletic Club, won the firat game of pool, and tf. B. Hobart, ef the Creeceat Athletic Club, won the second game of pool.

At Montank Club The matches played at thia club were ae follow: Billiard Montank tre. Union Loegne. Mon-, tauk W. A. Barnard, 250; Thomas Adami, 141 Union League W.

M. Cooney, 175; H. C. Hullenbeolr, 200. Tool Montauk J.

A Wernberg, G. A Fries, Union League William Rose. 8. B. Holt, The firat game of bilUarda wae won by Mr.

Barnard, of tb Montauk Clnb. The eettond game of billiard wu won by Mr. Adame, of tbe Montauk Club. Tbe firat gams of pool wae won by Mr. Ron, ofthe Union League Club: the eeeond game Mr? Holt, of the Union League Club.

The record of the dub in the league to data is as tollowa: ItlLLlABD. Games Gamtsl on. boat. I oa. boat.

Hamiltoa 3 3 UreMant 3 4 Montank 4 3 Union baaua. 3 3 Oalurd 3 4 I Thera la a game In diapnte between Dr. Jen nlnge, of the Creeeenl Athletic Club, and Mr. Adams, of tha Montauk Club. roou GamaaGamo Son, fea.

HamlHoo 0 CrcBl 6 Udiob i3aga. 3 8 Tbe next meeting of the leaquft will be ou Jan. 10, at tbe room of th Union Leagua Club, when tb following matches will played: Billiard Montauk A. Barnard, Thomas Adame, 140. Oxford F.

A Keeny, 250; J. li. Beard, 141). Fool Montauk J. A Wernbarg, Louii M'4-lenhaner.


1,000 Share, at $10 kaob Thu Enabling Every Slemher to Iluv. an Interest In It The Annual Report. Read and Officer. Elected. The

Bont Club the current year on new flnanei.1 buna. Lat nlebt. at th. aopunl moetlng and election of the club, held et the Inbbonee. No.

104 Atlentlo after tue member! bad thoroughly die eneeed a now amendment to the clube cooelltution, it we. voted to adopt the Mime for the future welfare of the olub, and the member, ere, in coueequenoe, entlmaiaetio over the bright outlook. Tbe afnenduient which wee offered by Captain Jnmci a. Tlglie wee to make the capital Block of the club ooneist of 1,000 ebare, of the value of $10 each, the eatir. ieeue making a fund that will be found available for forking and building purpoeee.

Briefly explained, the roaeon of the new departure it to tytnblleh ft strong treaeury or linking fund, in contrite! to the alien amount of money the club now bae in ite poeaeaelon, to liquidate outitunding indebtedneu, also to create more interest among the Mandate member-hip of the club, which is now rockoned at 350 members egainet 30 or so active members bolding fulltmemherebip Heretofore a tax of $50 -initiation fee wm required to become a full-fledged member, as well tbe regular dues being exacted. The mso-eiate membership fee wm $10 per year, which did not, however, entitle the holders to any voice in ifhe meetings of the club or in It. management. Tho difference in amount botween tbo associate meinberahip feel and full membership wae agreed by a majority of the club to be drawback to tbe future prospects of the elub, and it wm agreed that the new eobeme of allowing shareholder nf etoek a vote, would be a proposition that would be favor; ably received by at leMt one huu associate On the other bandf it wee claimed by those who did not exeetty barmohizewitb tbs scheme that it would allow members whp bad the largest blooke of stock to override oppoeition and practically place tbe management of the elub in their bands. This theory wee explained away to the latls-fnction of the members by Captain Jae.

O. TIghe. who held that those having the most financial interest in cither business matters or club affairs were generally the most alive to the interests end weUnre of their own interests, end consequently best qualified to see that tbe organization would continue a prosperous one, and tbereforo there wm little im of borrowing trouble on that score Dividends such es in the judgment of the Board of True tees oan be declared from the surplus of Income of the olub will be payable to stockholders on or after tbe first day of November next, succeeding tbe declaration of indie. No transfer of stock shall he recorded botween the time of deo'aration of dividend and the first day of November next Buoceedlng each declaration. In order to become and remain an active membor tbe person proposed must own and possess one share of stock, which shall not be transferable if euoh active member is indebted -to the club for any cause or for eny amount The report, of the president, treasurer, captain and other Officers showed that tbe club, despite the heavy expense incurred, was in finer condition numericat'y, socially end collectively than oyer before.

The fallowing othcore were chosen unanimously: President, Dr. Edward T. Hippier; vice-president, John W. Reid; treasurer, Vill-iom H. Dunn; recording eecretnry, William M.

Lawson; captain, James G. Tighm Board of Directors. DanieV L. Hicks, Henry Nanne, Samuel A. Horen, John Byrne and A.

B. Pruden. The friends of tho alleged opposition can didate for the Board of Directors, William H. Keeler, found that hie term does not expire nntil next year, and he therefore remains a member of the Board of Officers of the organiz-tiou. For the baeebitll department for the coming season, John A.

Oavnor was ohoeen manager. The reports of the elab'e progreee during the year 1833 were issued to tho members in neat pamphlet form and in substance were follow. captain's kepobt. To the Officer and Membert of the Van ma Boat Club: Oentlkhek Tour captain ret pectfnlly begi to submit the following report for the of 1833; The hoethouee wm opened infortnslly on tha 15th day of April, and tbe formal opening occurred on tbe day of April. -The season bae been one of tbe most successful in the history of the olub, Jjioth on land and water.

The club was represented during the year in four regattas, entering in twelve raoes, and winning seven ont of the twelve In the first regatta of the eeaeon, Decoration day, at Newark, the clubnrae represented in the senior double scull event by Messrs. Quill and Freetb, and junior double by the Messrs. Dunn brothers. In both of these races, owing to lack of time for preparation, we were defeated. In the Long Island regatta we were entered in five races, end won three out of the fire.

In this regatta Hr. James Canghlin made hi. debut a junior aeuller. and beat hi. field to easy and so far that, taken with hie subsequent performances, it, is safe to predial that championship honore await him in the near future.

In this regatta we aleo developed a four gig crew, consisting of Harare, Belger, Stokum, Quill, and Jamee Cougbiinv which bide fair, if kept together. to become the champion four fimtUHi of America. In the Middle States Regatta, held at Newark July 23, we had two entries, color double seull, Messrs, Belger and Quill, and eenior four gig, the Long Island crew. This wm the first i time Messrs. Belger end Quill had rowed together during the iCMon.

and they eustained their old-time repntetion by winning in great form, anfi in this regatta, the eenior four-glg crew justified theetatement made above by beating the erack four of the Atlanta Bont Club, champions of America, being never beaded from the stark In the Scranton Press Club regatta held at Lake ws had firs entries, winning three out of the five. At regatta Mr. James Coughlin again demonstrated hie capability ns a ingle teuller, by winning the intermediate single seull racs from a Urge field, with ridiculous ease. He also doubled up with Mr. Quill and they won the senior double seal! event, beating tome of the best double scull teems in America; notably, Hedley and his mate, from the Passaic Boris Club of Newark, and here again the old four-gig crew made show of their field, winning in great shape, We lost the junior double cull, Messrs.

Stokum and Baird, but it was only fair torsayitwas through taking A wrong course, for il vu evident they out-classed in speed any double against them. I regret to lay, for the first time in jean, we ere not represented st the National Regatta, owing to the expense involved in traveling to Detroit, which your captain did not feel us i fled in incurring this year. It will thua be aeon from thia brief aummary of aqnatio arenta, tha tha Varuna Boat Club la anil in tha fron rank of aqnatio organlzationa throughout tbe world, and baa maintained her proud records of years, and It the hope that same plan may be devised to meet our training and transportation expenses the earning season outside of a direot eall upon the elub treasury, I can safely prodiet still greater euccest, ana a Stronger probability of winning at least two championships, for it is safe to aay, if Mr. Belger can Jet tha time to nraotice. he and Mr.

amaa Conghlin will develop one of the fastest doublsa in America, and trom tha wealth of material we now have in the elub, a large number of minor events will no doubt fail to our share. Tha amount of nlcMare rowing during tha asMon baa been phenomenal, ho I owing to tbe neglect of coxswains and others to log their, rows, tha mileage hM been lost, and the history of the Clnb In that particular gone. In the future the rule requiring all coxswains to log their DIVIDEND NOTICES. fNF.RMANn SAVINGS BANK, KINDS Uoontj, 875-879 Fo)to si. IM-3A4 Aderas Ths trusts of this leslitetioo he dttidn4 t1 KUR (4) rKH IF I.

pr etmnm on 'nulled from 9ft to iftOU, end TliKfeK PhHCfcNY pm Annum on the exceas in erect, bet not exceed inf peyehl on or elrer Jsnuery ifl, 11)4. Depoait mede on or before Jennery liith, 1304. will drew interest fro jftuaerp 1st. lW4. ft.

A. SGHKOKDhR Freudeni, imi.U'S IsXKitRNXKAVsa, Treesarer. Koox, flevipterf, 430 101 riNHE RROOKLVN BANK. BROOKLYN, N. 1 Dfcomber Yft.

189)' The Hnmrd of Directors hit thia dsy Ueclsrsd dfenlond of MUR (4 KKH KN1 pityeble ea sad after Jo ier 3. dJ6 lut 7iiutt. M. UALslV Cashier. UFOORI.YN PAVINGS BANK, PEfEMBFK 21, fnterost at the ret of fOi-H I NT per ennana will be orudiie I to iUi I hu be il Jeuuerr I nti on I eiata enlitied tbeceiv pi' aiiie en and etlnr prenmo I K.

MUBOAJ4 Freeideat. F. K.i'UkhbhKAOe Ghshier, GOSSIP 01 RING TRACK, FIELD, THLETES. Charley Mitchell Sign the Article, but the Buttleground 1 Atlll Unknown Chet Expert PilUbufyi Difficult Talk Boxlug In Lung Inland City. Jacxbouvillk, Jan.

5. Charley Mitch-ell' pKoteit against the amended article being ignaa by CorhaU per W. A. Brady aeami lo have been made under a misapprehension. The paper to which Corbett name waa affixed by Brady waa not the articles drawn up for the fight It wnsA paper relating to the disposition of certain money held by Blanchard of Bouton.

The amended article for the fight were eigned by Corbett in person. Thie i been explained to Mil Aiell end no further protest if expected from him. In spite of the lact that the athletic clnb ears tbe contest will occur in Jacksonville no one believesJL If the men come together on Florida soil they are liable to meet out in the woods as did Sullivan ami Kiirain. is believed that the talk of the olab about being confident that the men will meet Jacksonville if only a blind to conceal preparations which are being ecretly made to bring Mitchell land Corbett together in eorae place where the atrong ann of the Governor cannot cosily interfere. The lace will either be in Dural County, where nckionrille if situated, or in HL John, the chief city of which is bt.

Aagaetine. Of coarse no Inkling can be gained eato the spot selected, ae the sucoeee of the plan depend on ecrecy. In confirmation of the statement tbnt tbe club is preparing to pull ofi the ooutect in the woods a United Kress reporter fans just learned from a reliable eouree that W. A. Brady, manager for Corbett, filed to-night dispatches stating that the manager of tbe Duval Athletic Club bad already taken the iuitiul etep to charter train out of Jacksonville.

The trains will be at the clubs disposal for twenty-four hours before and after Jan. 25. the day set for the contest. Tbe club people propose to make the transportation rate a pretty stiff one and tha hope financially save themselves. They think that with" special traini at their duposAl and a spot selected for the fight known only to a faithful few, they can bring tbe men together in the presence of a large crowd, and that the battle will be fought and won before Governor Mitchell can get the jnilitia on the scene.

It if said that Brady in hi dtspalches stated positively that everything was fixed for the fight. J. E. T. Bowden, of the DuvaI Athletic Club, has been thrown out of tbe Methodist Church, where he formerly worshiped.

This will have no effect on tbe fight. The local sporting men are beginning tofigare on, the result and to back their opinion with greenbacks, in Loo Sibler place there is plenty of money to bad at even figures that Mitchell lasts over twentv rounds. The club will play its last tramp card in an injunction to restrain the Governor from interference. It this fails they will fall bick on tbe ordinance lately passed by tbe City Council per- mitting glove fights. The clnb proposee to take out a license and to ask police protection.

Mr. Bowden received a letter from Governor Mitchell which has evidently made the officials feel rather bine. Mr. Bowden said be wcnld have a statement for tbe press, bat later on he deferred it until Saturday. This statement will outiine tbe position of the clnb lrom beginning to end.

Rumor has it that the Daval Athletic Club will endeavor to make up ite 913,000 lose on tbe fight by sending money into the Northern poolrooms to be placed on Corbett. Arrangements have at last been made whereby Paddy OBrien, ex-amsteUr feather weight champion of Long IbLund, and Dave of Paterson, are to meet in an eight-round glove contest, to be held in the Fateraop Opera House, Paterson, N. under the or the Passaic Falls Wheelmen, fora puree of 9200 and a side bet of 9250 a O'Brien is being backed by Billy McCload, the well-known porting man of South Brooklyn. The boxers met last Angust in Paterson, but the crowd broke into the ring, and the referee, Jimmy Watson, of Paterson, gave O'Connor the figbt on a fouT, for reasons known only to himself. The Passaio Falls Wheelmen is a well-known clnb, and haft guaranteed OBrien lair ploy.

OBrien is training at Fort Hamilton until Jan. 10, wheu he will leave for Paterson to finish hu training. One woman and a large-sized crowd of sports witnessed the Cliuton Athletio Clubs amateur boxing tournament, at the Lenox Lyceum Fifth-ninth street end Madison avenne. New York, Inst night Tbe contestants were atus-choors in every sense of the word. There were nine boots iu tbs 110-lb.

class, out in tbe 120-lb. class, three in the 135-Ib. class, and one in tbe 146-lb. class. They are forty-oue bouti remaining for Batorday evening.

The first pair introduced in tho 110-lb. clou was M. J. Strnben. Hanover, A.

C.f and J. Car-roll, Granite A. C. The judges disagreed, and the referee awarded the bofit to Btruben. 'Second Bout Between F.

McBpadden, Handover A. and William Thayer, ticottish-Ameri-can A. C. Thayer got the decision in thu bout Third Bout D. Greoron.

Star A. C.v and C. Brown, Pastimu A. The judges agreed on Grearon. Fourth BoutA.

Hart, Clinton A. and BuUeiyUnion A. of thu city. Butler for felted to Halt Fifth Bout B. Cooney, Clinton A.

and J. Corran, Clinton A. C. Coonev looked happy when the judges gave him the decision. Sixth Bout D.

Bangb, Hanover A. C.t and A. Hart, (ttiuton A. C. Ilart won.

Seventh Boat P. Leban, National A. 0., this city, and James Fitzpatrick, Jackson A C. Leban got tbe decision of the judge. Eighth Bont D.

Bangb, Hanover A. and Wm. Eikenbush, Essex A. Newark, N. J.

Bangb got the decision. Ninth Bout T. O'Keefe, Clinfap A. and Ef Moore, Pastime A. CL Referee gave ths boat to Moore.

The first bont in tbo 120-poand class was be-twren D. Connors, Btar A. and J. Donovan. Banquet A.

C. 1 Connors got ths judges decision. P. Leem, JLoqaeer A. and Hurray, Clinton A.

were tbe first pair in the 136-ponnd class. Murray caught tbe judges' eys and got the decision. The second bont was between Otto Raphael, Clinton A. and M. Matthews, Clinton A.

Tbe referee gave the fight to Raphael, The Union A. C. woe represented in this bout by D. Gorman, and bis opponent F. H.

SchnelL National Torn Verien, of Newark, N. J. HchneU injured his right hand after two minutes fighting in tne first round and quit. The first of tbe 146-poanders introduced Dunicgan, New York City, and E. Crowley, Jackson A.

0. Crowley got the decision. Csptain Reilly eat upon the stags all through the contests, but was not Called opofi to assert his authority, there wm not a knockout throughout the evening. The officials of the evening were Billy Madden, of New York, referee; judges, P. J.

Donohue and Jack Adler; timer. Robert btoii and W. Haas: weighers, G. W. Wood, J.

J. Rooney aod L. Kaplan; clerk of boxing, J. j. Dixon, and announcer, Fred Borns.

Tbe finals will take place on Saturday evening at the same place. H. N. Pillibury, Bostons chess champion, and the winner of the recently finished international tournament in New York, will give an exhibition of simultaneous chess and checker playing combined at the rooms of the Y. M.

0. JL Chess and Checker Club this evening, play beginning at 8 o'clock. The single player will bo opposed by twenty of the club's members, ten eheasand ten checker players, and the boards will bo alternately arranged, to that a gams of chees will bo next to one of checkers. Mr. Pillsbary will visit all the boards In succession, making a move on each, and npon bis return the opponent makes hie reply, whereupoa the former makes another move, and so on until all tbs games are completed.

The feat, which la quite difficult, io the first of Its kind that has been attempted in thi oitv, and should prove a verv interesting WnUrUmmont to the lovers of these two game. To-morrow evening the tamo expert wUi be at the Brooklyn Cue Club, where ho wRi contend against eight members, blindfolded; that ti to aay, without sight of the boardror men. Mr. PiUsbury has had considerable experience in this line of play, and has been very suecesaful. To-morrow, however, he will have some bard work cut out for him to make a good scorn, as meet a very strong team.

Cards of admission to tbe Kings Countv New Jersey shoot on Tnoeday next have been forwarded to tbe secretaries of the different Kings County Gun Clubs from whom they can be obtained and also at Mamtrs, Court street; Kiffe'g on Fulton street Giilmane, No. 4 Court siiuare, or from F. fly he, No. b6 Water street, New York. Entries for tha boxing tournament of ths 8tar Athletic Clnb art being received in number very gratlfing to ths committee, who era using their beat endeavors to make the event the bnuner affair in a long sene kuccomcs.

I Captain Homuiartb has received from The Salamander No. 2 team carried off tbe honors in the twenty-eighth series of games of Bbaughnossys bowliug tournament, which were rolled last night on tbe alleys. Fifth avenue and Fourteenth street. The other teams engaged were the Lafayette and Our Own. The first game between the Salamander, No.

2, nnd Our Own, was bandilywon by the former by tbe score of 821 to 712. Tbe next game between Our Own and Lafayette wae much closer, both teams roll tug over 800. The latter came oat victorious, winning by tbe score of 844 against 808. Rossbacks (Lafayette) 209 was tbe highest individual score in this game. In the last game of the evening two of the crack teams of this tourney were pitted agaifist each other tbe Salamander No.

2 and the Lafavettes. Admirers of botn teams were on hand and were given numerous opportunities to exercise their vocal proclivities. I be firat two frames resulted In tie. iu third frame tbe LutAyettesobtuined a lead and held it until tbe filth frame wheu their opponents gained on them and At its conclusion were 20 pins ahead. The Bailies continued io the lead utid won by tbe ore of HH3 to 840.

Houtbwick, of the Lafavettes, in this game rolled 218. tbe highest individual score of tbe evening. Longoeed, Snlamandt-r No. 2, oWerkOO, his score being 208. Last night games resulted in two victories for Btdnmander No.

2. two defeats for Oar Own and a victory and defeat for Lafayette, bcorca: rrasr gime. flaUaindtr. No. 2 Wrd, 4.

ft, 1 I'M Rpabn. 2, ft. 3 1 7 i.ithD(4tm. 3. 0-154, flciitfor, 2.

6, 3 -164; I.cmheel. 1, 5.4 -15(182. Our Own riliuriitk, 4. 3, 3-1B3 bent-on, 3, 4. 3-116; Quinlin, 3, 7- lil.Cuolei, 3, 1.

ft -15. Turner, 2, Krsme-8lmin1er, No. 2 81. 159, 265, 3311. 431.

U.l. ml. OurOr-C7. )i, Jb 3. JJ6.364, 4oG.

481, 6(8. (.40. 7U. I ntpir-r (ior Mtmn fleorars -Motors. F.

E. beelmigteaiu andUeorf Oatraoa. SECOND GAME. 1 tayet U-Rnothw iek, 1 7, 2 -1 7 1 Reinhardt, l.ft.4 150. Kitfobaoh, 4, ft.

1203. Siller, 32, a 1.8.3-110844. Our l)n hliurnck, 4, 2, 4 161 Bcnno. 4. 4, Buckingham, 4, 2, 4-166, 6, 4 13; Turner, 2.4.4-156-rOl.

Fra-oe LaUjett 78, 180. 237, 325, 417, 60ft. 631, 681. 44. Our Oan 60, 156, 240, Vi6, 413.

80, 645,631, 705, KM. -Mr. J. 4. 8or4ri-k4sfA H.

tJkrk tenson sod J. Connell. THIBn GAME. Lafaj'tte Soathwicfc, 6. 3, 1-218 Reinhardt, 2, 8.6 W.i, Roaslisch, 2, 3 6-136, Siller.

3, 4, S-168; Maxwell. 2, 7. 1 175-A4U naiamaoder inti Loofbfed, iderNo 2-Wtrd. 3. Spahn, 2, ft.

3 itenat'in, ft, 4, 1-lJU, Schaefer, 4. 8-174, ..4, rtu Liayrtte-84, 161, 2ft. 342, 403. 522, 610, salamander No. 2-84, 161,247.

332, 439, 534, fi'24, 723, SOli.HM Umpirs-J. Bennett. Deutz. Scorer J. P.

Connell. -J Columbian Bowlers Win. The bowMng. alleys of the Coldmbhin Club were empty last evening, os all tbe bowlers had gone down to the Lafayette alleys, on Court street, to root tor their team in their match gsme with the Colnmbus Bowling Clnb. Three games were rolled, two five-men and one ten-men, and in all tbe Columbians were sncceMfut To say that tbe visitors were hospitably treated would be putting it mild, and the Hanson place boys are anxious to give the Colnmbus rollers revenge, jut to show that they are not far bo-hind in hospitality.

The scores; visit OiMi Colombian Joyc. lift; Lanrao, ITftiDowliaz, 106; Franmoli, 157. WtUon, 123-70. )27; Cotdo 159; Cusick, 127; Gough, Ids; Ciji. 161706.

SEco*kD OAME. Colombia Kearaey, 147: Oelaon, 172; Corcoran, 97; Frantoii. 122; Daugherty, 148 6hl. Aolimbnt -Lrti, lift; dou 131; Clark. 112; McCauley, 10i CoogrorCs 15ft 615, THIRD GAMV.

Coiomb-oh Doogherty, 169. Km they. 169: Itt, 136 Joyce, 13, Ctelnon. 119. flkeiiy, 16ft.

LiRgan, led, Cor coraa.97, Wilson, 13i, Fran 'toil, 164 1,439. Coiamba Lytle, 130; tonifo 164, 1 lark. 122; McCauley, 11)0; McCormick Uo; Coy I. 141 CoMedo. 139: Comtek, it, ft, Cough, 129, Lytio, A picked team of five men of tbe Columbian Club will roll a team from the Yaruna Boat Hah this evening, ou the Colombian alleys.

BsotlVs Scorn Board The atanding of the clubs to date in the Flat-bush Tourney, which is now being bowled at Bantle'e alleys, Flatbush avenue, is; Lost. i Clubs. Woo. Flatbuh I ft benu 6 lokaotl 4 Metro K. C.

Vt btr. Flatbo'h. No. 24. 1 hr: Arrag.

.724 .761 .753 .7474 .676 .662, H. 8. Sftft IMft 811 BUt 725 728 T6J Tie 73ft i DrrrorAL vzaagzs. Bennett, Flatbush, No. 1 lHo4, -234 Batch.

174 Soft (khtaalboeh, Klatoukn, No. 2......... IftH; JlH boiler. Unknown fllf Ljtt, beimynt li bkidmnre. Unknown 103 leg Robert, 1614' 18J Highest im, Bennett, 234.

The BelmonU. 8tars and Ssnatu will bowl naxt Wednesday assning. Th gam between the Belmonts and benatas to be very exciting, tbe clubs are tie fot first place. Amateur Union Section. Tha Echo Clnb secured a commanding lead in the A.

A. B. l. Brooklyn section, preliminaries, rolled omth Elephant Clnb alleys lut night. The scores: riaar o.wk.

Eeho-Wslla: Hltch-e-k, S-U5; Mum. 5, LX-ldl; firasB.4,4. Iss.aeUen. S. 1-I aft 87.

Adelphl Farrington, 1, 2, 7 117; Hiar, 2. S.6--142; Cayoor. 2, 8 3 141 A A 8-188; 8. ft -163-739- Frame Echo -87, 183.219, 383. 481, 848, 61ft.

TOO 79eT4. Adelphl 78 149 24U. 81ft 298, 44. Wi. 47ft, 659, 739.

Umpire Mmw. J. EMltoand J. Martin, flcoi r. and A.

C. Leach. ATrg Acuo 174 4-ft; 4llphi, 147 4-8. SECOND DAWK. South Paw-Smith.

2, 8. 8-161: KHnf.4, 5, 1-163; VatidaWAr. 6. 2, ft 14ft, Bieraohonck, 0, A 4147 Jcn- 4. 3733.

Adtilphi-Famogton, 4, 2, A 160; Hiar, Cayaar. 4 A lu9; uiii. 1 7. 3188; UiUmpa, ft, FramMadslphi 0, ITS, S5A, S9S, 491. (51, (54.

MS. 81 4. Koath Pnw-li, 1M, SSI, 314, 4SS, 476, 47. M3, 1J4, 798. Uuapir Elton aad J.

Martin. Scar ora O. Moor and Fergasota magw Adclphi 18X28; Soath Paw, 169 I S. THIED DAWS. -Scbo-Wslla, S.

4. 8-172; Hitchco*ck. 2. A 2-171; Miio, 2. ft 8183; Brown.

A A 8462 8cUr 0.9,1-177 XAft. Booth 'Paw Smith, 8. 8, 2171; Kliag, 1, Vudfkat, 1 A 2187; oiorahcnck 1, A 3 fi ft Itfl1 767 163. 349. 53u, Alt.

B01. (65, 660. 742. 948. South Paw.

73. 150, 337. 331, 393, (70, 343. 824, ftftft. (84, Umpire J.

Kacittcn and Martin. Scorvrs H. FerguMu and R. Lounabtry. 189; death Paw.

1882-fts Nurnho on th Right Tuck. 0o alley A No. A27 MauhaUan avo sue, Greenpoint, on Wednesday eveniag last, the Crystal and Navahbe bowlingtenm met and struggled lor the eopremaey. The Navahoe era At ooiiod away with the cup. The ecored: Crystal A.

Fckannnn, 2. fl 125; Nnlbrcn. 2.4- 167; iA. fltrobaablv 2. 2, ft 124; H.

OUaa, ft 131; W. hohl.fl,A, 8-170. N. Hilfit, 1, 2, 7108; K. Bott-irr, 2, 2, 6122; Kohnktw, 1, 2, 7114; Osorg MqU Uabtacr, 3.

2. 8-148; John OttfD, 1.8,6-120-1.324. bavati Fred raw 0. 990; Con Fink, 1,8.6 123. O.

Iaait, ft. XL 2-191; C. Wmaaer, 8, 4,8 irt7; Htraian 8 loan. 3. 2.

A 1U8; K. A. Schrocdnr, ft, 1186; Prt 8-hilU 0. 8. 7 IDT; C.

Marchaani, 2. ft. S-lft; W.HcDrCMvr, 2. 1 7-112; J. tKhroetUr.

1.S2&. Kram-Kavaba 131, 2T7, 43 Sftft, 730. ft 38, 90S, l.lii. 1.291, 1.4J.V Uryvial-108. 2t0 420, ftj 642 7ftftlft, l.Mfl, 1.324.

Unput alirtMoa bcornr 44org Cammrin. In tbe 26th IVtrd. rattling ten-mea-team match, between tho Parkway and Bradford Bowling Gabs was decided oo Scbiellein'e oiler. Twenty-eixth Ward on Wedneeday evening, in which the Bradfords eme off with flying colors. The ecoree: Bradford-J.

Ott. 3. 4-140 Khricha, 0. 8, 4-145; yViUiara How, 1. 8 61 10; 0, 3, 7-118; R.

ifowald, 1. 1. 8-71; J. feuiutan, 8 4, 3161, H. Kackert, 0, 8.

7 100. B. KnaA, 2. 8-lIoi I bchicllcin. 8.

$(416; J. Luts, ft, 2, ft 138 1.26H. Larkway T. Godfrey, captam. 8, 2, ft-140: Gerdea 2, 2, ft -1-ift.

U. fticlfiti 2, 2. e-114, J. TatUM, 0. 4, ft 105, J.

Rtm, tk 4. 8-18. F. Hcoachcl, 2. T-iJO; G.

Vintcar. 1.4.6-129; W.Twtl, 7-404 1. Baker, LIT-109 H. RoM, 1. 4, 61291,166.

Ham Bradford 119. 939, 40L 64ft 667 791. 902, 1.084 t.ltl. l.JilS. karkway-117.

946. 891, 620, '6i8 724. 849, IK 4, 1.046. Umpire-M. H.

Gatmaa. fleorers -Mmot. 8chiUin, J. kapp. Hunover Club Tournament.

Tho Hanover Bowliug Club Tournament of home team seems to lag. Tho gentlemen in tereated in tho contests do not sot promptly nor with tbnt spirit which is expieted of them. On nearly every evening elnce ije oieningof tlM jomt the teams thni were to bt' hand to play their parts have euW wholly or partially absent the ataenti u. represented by volunteers; but last evt-im this respect, wae the wont of ail. Of the na team expected to be present, namely, Iwo Four eud beveu, only Uio fiiat U.uuo.l, paning of First avenue we will lose a portion our field; by persistent effort I have prevented this for years, and may succeed tliie year, but if not, we will hare to submit to tha ioeviiable and conform to the eituntion.

At Bbeepshud Bay the boathouse and appur-tennncee are in the beet possible condiiion. During the eeaeon tbv Boxing Committee gave three ehowe nt the clubhouse, making en the first two $565.00 end losing on ths Inst miking net profit for, tbe year from that source of $407.62. The city nuthorittee bevtng concluded to prevent 11 exhibitions of that ebaraoter, this kind nf entertainment is 1 an end for tbe present, but we have bopee. The report of the llMeball and Football Committees are hereto annexed, and without commenting thereon in ex-teneo, I cannot help calling your attention to the eplendid record made by both, placing the club In the front rank of amateur athletics. And in this connection I wouid cnU speoial attention to ths record made by Mr B.

0. Davie, our fellow-member, who at hli own expense represented the club at the World! Fair Handicap events and Worlds Fair championthips, held at Chicago, Sept, i end 16, in phich he won second prize with the 16-lb-hammer in both events. In conclusion, it eppeare to me from general review of the veer, tbe progress of thy clnb has been onward. Thera is no club in America that affords it members inch great facilities for to little money, nnd no clnb of itemize hM leBi debt. It onlv remains for the members to co-operate with the management in maintaining proper discipline, careful use of elub property, end prompt payment of the quarterly dues, to incur future suoceea.

Respectfully yours, J. G. Tinun, Captain. The baseball team had a total number of sixteen victories and five defeats. Of these five defeats they had the pleaeurE of wiping out two that occurred early in the eeaeon, namely, that of the initial gam with the Kevins B.

B. C. and th Sk Patrick L. U. The games were won by tb small scores of 8 te and 7 to 6 Later in tbe eeMon the team succeeded In defeating the former by 4 to 3, and found no trouble in squaring accounts with tbe latter, defeating them by the score of 9 to 1, Two of our remaining three fiefenta were received nt the bnde of two of thb strongest send professional toame in New Jersey, tbe Arlington and Montgomerys, couple of rune deciding their eupremacy in both inBtanoes.

Defeat wae encountered at the hands of the Lincolns, who caught tbe team napping, in the absence of their regular buttery. Another advance made by tbe clnb in tbe baseball world wm tbe playing of numerous out of town games, tbe team journeying -to Rockaway twice, to South Orange, N. the Polo Grounds, New York city; NyAck. N. Travere Island, end goingas far aa Meriden.

playing the Domestics twice, Setan Hall College, the Nyack A. tbe N. Y. A. 0.

twice, end the Meriden B. li the foregoing tepreeenting some of the strongest amateur and semi-professional teams of the period. The football report stated that the season of S3 opened Oct 8. Below is a schedule of games played daring the eeaeon: Oot. 15 tn.titates, of Paterson, If.

J. at Bay Bids: lairs, 11; Vanina, X2. Oct. 22 Dobbs Perry, of Dobbs Ferry, st Bay Ridge; core, Varnns. 18.

OeaSH-bstoa Hal), of Booth Or. ago, Nsw Jersey, at Beton Hail; score, Vanins, 0. Nor. 12 Pastime, st Has-Ridce; srora, 6: Varnna, e. Nov.

18 Jaspers, of Msepottaa College, at Bay Bulge; score, 0 Varans, IS. Nor. 26 Governor's Island, at Bsy Ridge; score, Varuno, 32. Dec. 2 Volontoers, at Madison Square Garden score, 12: Varans, 4.

Totals-Soors, 18: V4ran4. 106. Klrauu TEAM Oet. 79 Acorns vs. Domestics; score Varnns.

28. Nev. 6 Governors I. vs. Doioeslloi; soors.

Varuna, 12. 1 otsls boore, Varans. 38. The treasurer's report showed that the clubs net reeonrcee wae $10,710.62. and indebtedness abont $4,000.

It also bad attached tho following explanation: The net profit of the current year wm really about $400 more than shown in the annual atatemenk bills to that extent, properly chargeable against last year, not haring been resented nntil thisyear. The profit of this year is herefore actually larger than last year, due principally to dceroMed expenses) ana increMed receipts in come departments. By a recent reeolntion of the Board of Managers, all property valuation of tb olab reduced 80 per to cover wear and tear, depreciation, etc. Thie te deemed an excessive reduction by aome, bnt It can changed if neceiMry, after more careful examiuation of ths various items. Taking into consideration the extraordinary depression in bnsinese.

oar continued progress, financially amhutherwife, is a cause of Congratulation. The clnb has worked together more harmoniously than in any prenons eenson, and the thanks of the members are due to the baseball and football committees and teams for their enthnsiastio effort and remarkable success. W. H. Duaa, Treasurer.

H. Makes, chairman, J. H. Keelib, J. W.

Retd, Finance Committee. Captain Tigha also gava the members the pleMing intelligence that the rental of the dab's city home had been materially reduced, and that in oaaa the clubjwta forced to move from its present grounds, foot of Fifty-sixth streak tb members need have no fear of Its not locating in an equally a desirable spok Tommy Cqnndf Challenged. The following special cable waa received at the Police 6 aiette office yesterday i Loxdos, Jan. 4. Frank E.

Bacon, the amateur champion of England, has issued a challenge to rnn Thomas Conueff, tb American champion, one mile for the amateur championship of the world and a suitable puree, the race to take place in England or America. fill III 7 i THE BROOKLYN CITIZEN, i Because it gives all the scores of all the games. Secretaries or individual players can obtain The Citizens improved score sheet in quantities by sending their addresses or call- ing at The Citizen office. n. 5.

Among Kokomo, Jan. 6. Amoiig the noted chess players who have signified their intention of taking part in tbe Masters Chess Tournament to held in 'Terre Haute. beginning Fob. 27 are the following: W.

H. K. Pollock, Alhuny. N. J.

F. Lee. London; Herr Alhin, AuHtrlal'--MuJor Hanham, New York; Walter Frare, Brooklyn: C. II. 1).

(Joflaip, Auntra-Ita; J. W. Baird, New York; howaltor, of Kentucky; Maeon. and Jasnogrodaky, Loudon, Taubenbaua, France. Martin Gleason, the well-known Eoath Brooklyn lightweight boxer, has been appointed Instructor in athletics of tbe Centennial Athktic Club, Twenty-sixth street ami Third avenue.

Tbe club has a "school night once every week, and will bold an invitation stag once a month. Application for memberabip edn be had from any of the members or secretary of tbe club. Another step forward has been taken in tbe movement looking toward the organization of a jockey club that will have supreme control of racing iu the States of New York and New, Jersey. This club will not be a national affair in any sense, although ite promoters hope that when launched into existence it will be so complete and perfect that every other club nnd turf organizatun in the country will pay it the smeerest flattery by following closely in its footsteps. The special and, particular field of the new organisation will be the race courses of New York and New Jersey, or os mtny of them as can be induced to fi? ite colors At present it looks as If it would have jurisdiction over the tracks formerly governed by the Board of Control, wkh, perhaps, the Linden and Elizabeth coarse added.

Brighton Beach, Gutteuburgh gnd Gloucester will in al) probability remain without the pale of the new club ah4toove along independently, es they have in the past. Sporting Driftwood, Billiard playing on wheels is a new pastime in Paris. Tbe game is played on the floor of a large hall, which is covered with green cloth. Huge balls and cues like long lances are used. The figure skating championships will be held at Manhattan Field upon a date to bo selected by the National Skating Association.

J. C. Aveling. tbe amateur champion skater of England, and holder of tbe Prince oi Orange vase, has decided to become a professional. Duncan Boss has declared war on Italy.

That is to say, he has again challenged any macaroni-eating fencer in the world to meet him with broadswords for 91.000 a side. Joseph Darby, the celebrated English pro' fessional jumper, is anxious to get on a match with J. C. Medway. Darby agrees to give Medway a handicap oi ten feet in twenty jumps.

The bicycle deserves its popularity. Its first cost nearly all, and the mastery of riding is easy. From that stage its value begios and increases. Without it bow wouid it he possible for tbe thousands of people confined to towns by their business to see their own country os thev cow can Walking tours demand leisure, and other means of traveling cost money and consume time, both of which are scarce with the young men who reap each advantages from the bicyole. Io Europe, where the spare time of the industrial and mercantile classes is much more restricted than with us, the riding machine is looked upon as the most valuable adjunct to enjoyment and exercise.

America hod the honor of producing tbe first bicycling periodical, 4The velocipedist" being ite name, and 1869 being the year in which it was born and died. If election to the L. A. W. presidency went by merit as shown by the progreee made by the candidates' State divisions, which would wm, Perkins or Luscomb Sporting Life In a piece now being played at a Parisian theater, Henry Joan Of Arc and Louis XIV.

take part in a procession on bicycles. Fancy Joan of Arc on a hiovcls! At the National Cycle Show in London there were about 250 exhibitors 100 cycle makers, 100 parts and accessories makers and dealers and 50 tire makers. Oyer 1.600 wheels were on exhibition and 925,000.000 in capital was represented in their manufacture. IN UP PIKES DAT. Ex-Pitcher Harry Wheeler Recall a Foot Race with Kelr.

Among the old timers who followed the fortunes of ths red. when 6i Keek was the magnets who represented Cincinnati in tho Lugos family circle, writes sx-Pltcher Hrry Wheeler far tbo Sporting Life, memories o( ths days of long ago hare been atirrsd np by tha announoamant of tho death of Lipman Pike et hi old home Brooklyn. It waa in that city one of tbe Atlantic! that Lip Pike won hia apurs befora ha wu secured to play center field for Cincinnati. Dike waa one ol ths few sons of Israel who Srer drifted into the bn.ineee of bait playing. Ha wu a handsome (sllow when be wu here, and the war he tued to hit that bail wu responsible for many a scene of enthasium at tha old arena ground Pike." said Harry Whulsr th other day, "wu tbs first player to rap a ball oyer tb right field tone into that old brickyard.

It wu dangerous to girs him a low' ball, nd after ho had prosed that it wu possible to driro the pigekia orer the fence the feat waa a eommon on for him. He wu rerr fast on tho base, and. on fnnny incident Ill new forget tine day Mike Kelly that wu before he wu The King wae kidding Lip ebont tbe alow time made in getting down to firat 'Ill tell yon what lU do, retorted Pike, I can but yon in a race on this platform for $10. I dont think at that time Kel. had more Ithaa $20 to bia name, hot hia faith in bi, own sprinting ability cost im a halt unbuck.

He accepted tb challenge to run. "Yon remember 4b old wooden platform along the railroad tracks and ontsido the ball park? Wall, th conn waa from one end to tho other and orer thou rough boards they aoamperod. Kel. wu young then end a great base runner, but Pike bast him. Lip.

was an clayer second man and la hia prim wu a great ball player. Back in I on days I occasionally pitched for tn ltedx" Tbs roster of ball players who once wore the red and who hare been called ont by Umpire Death is not large, but in th passing away of Lip Pike one oi tha greatest sluggers who aver battled for Cincinnati has joined ths fils in eternity. PROGRAMME FOR SKATERS. Championship Races to Be Held at Red Bank, K. J.

R6 Baez, N. Jan. A Tho programme for tho three ice carnival at Rod Rank hu been arranged. It is as follows: Jan. 2, 440 yard, ona-mit and three-mile Kkuof raw, 0(a only to rveufenuot New 1ndiidui curtio tompUlhJB, oo to 11.

sold aietial to winner. ilvr uhhUI to itecooti, ni ra te fee t. Thnlr. Jan. 2ft.

Two-mu btnutoip tuf rara, open to4llmtnr; ennuvf im up-n to oil, otrno fo S3 ta Nouoaai Caritof oociauoa ruiee to fOYrn. tndiy, Jo- Notion! amateur akatin ham-pictdip ol America (National Amateur okating Aa-o-c talioa ro' Io tororai; oa-qaarter ot a mu, oo mile, nr aul oot) mil. lc yachting taco will ato iak piaco oo tbo loot day. Tke ea trance fee to ike championship race ie 1. Entnee will doe cn Battudav, Jaa.

20, with Jamc B. Weaver, eeoreUrr of the North bbreweburj Ice lachl Club of Red Bank. Nameleu Boat Club. The Ktmeleie Boat Club held ite regalrr meeting at ito city rooma. 274 Bridge street on Wednesday evening, Jan.

4, ami the following officer were elected: President. F. Hag rrty; vioe-president, P. Cunnobam; treasurer, Patti; eeeretary J. Bowbam; ctam, W.

F. Burkiey; first lieutenant, J. H. Kobmaon; second lieutenant, Striker. Bord of Governor 0.

panne, B. Johnson, M. Mullany, F. A Beoeetu Wiiiianiaburi ft ax Co. ft p.

c. Union osbIirIiI Co. of R. W. 6 Jt Oi.

Union ftasltfhl Oo. ft p. o. bonds Brooklyn Hank stock Broadway Bank stock Bedford i siik "took Ki'htb Ward Bank Fifth Atsii p.o. niton Bank ck in Countk Hank stock Hamilton Bank atock .,,,,,,,,.,7.

lions laiand Bank si oak Ataimfsotnrem Nptiousl Bank stock Mechanics and Traders' Bsuk L. Mechanics' bank Nneeau National Bank National City Bank North Hide bank People's Hank fprapQS National Bank atock wenty-ainh Ward Bank stm-k Union Bank of Brooklyn stook Waliabout bank stock frooklyn Trust (Jo. rnklio Trend Co. Hamilton Trunt Co. stock Kings County Trust Oo.

stock -1ong island Loan and Trust Co. Stock. Navnau iriiet Co. stack Peoples 'I mat Co. etnek A Brooklyn City bafe Dapoait Oo.

stock Long Island rate Ueponii Co. atnek Kings Comity (nsnranoe Co. stock Nasnaa insurance Cov stook 1httniU Inrturanoe On, oi.k Willisinsbarg lnsuranoe Oo stock Aoadopiyof Musio Union berry Union Kerry Co. 1st ft p. 0.

New York Kerry Brooklyn Mnnlctpai Gl. Light Co. Citirens Klee. Light Co. Kdison Elec.

Lknt Co. atork broikia Warebojse A Btorage Co. stork Klathueh Water Works Co. 0 p. c.

bundt. Bouth Brooklyn Saw Mill i'o. new stock N. V. A bo.

Brookha Kerry Co stock N. Y. 9 fo. Bktjrn ferry Co. ft p.

c. N. Y. A East Biter Ft rry Co. block N.

Y. A fiast Rivet Ferry Co. bonds Adams A boa. common. Adams A Aon, preferred K.

W. Hlitwa A ootnmon W. A Co preferred klyn factory snd fAd, com. kiyn factory and Power Ltd, prof. Lewis 4 howirf Mfg Co 1 ewis A Fowler Girder Rail Co Uaitod States Projoettle Co Ei-diidend.

191 MONTAGUE STREET, BROOKLYN N. Y. (Rani Estate Exchaace BnlMlwg) CAPITAL 5rt0.t00. SURPLUS, ftJOy.OOO. SILAS H.

DUTCH tilt, President. WM, LYON, First Viee-Prenirient, ALFRED POUCH. 8vun4 Vioe-PreetdsoW JOSEPH B. WHITS. BeoreUry.

BOARD OF TRUSTEED: Willlara H. Lyow, Jsmea O. Charles W. Bella, William B. A.

Child Henry N. Whiiney, Calvin Patterson, John Ditmes, Jr Camden 0. Dike, William Hester, Henry H. Adams. Alfred J.

Poach, bilas B. DaUrher William Berrl, Charles Coop Timothy 1. K. Hntchisoe. oodrsR, Htrlan PHalsey.

Vvm V. R.8miih. Rodney A Ward, iliarn P. Hmitk, Leouard Moody. Kagene F.

O'tionenv Deposit received eubjeot to check payable through New York Clearing House. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DAILY BALANCES. Special and higher rate of interest paid when CertHL eaten of Deposit are issued payable on five days' undee. Or on aproitied dates. This Company is a legal depository for Conrt and Tvntk Funds, and is authorized to aotae Administrator, Kieon.

tor, 'trustee, Guardian ana Registrar of slocks and bnda. THE PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY, ji7 MO.VTIOIE ('uplfal (Paid la) tl.tOO.OM Surplus. $850,000 Receives money on deposit bubjeot to check at eight end allows interest on the same. Bpecial rates on balances remaining a specified timo. lasoes certiricetos of deposit, drawing Interest.

Author iced by law to act as exeontor. administrator, gnardian, trustee, receiver, fieoal and transfer agent, and is registrar of stocks and bonds. designated as a depository for State funds and moneys paid into oourt. Aocoonts nr iustitationa and societies solicited. Loans money bond and mortgagee and other approved securities Cheeks are paid through tboNew York Ueannf Ueoa Guarantee letters of credit.

OFFICERS! FELIX CAMPBEIiU President. JACOB G. First Vice-Proddent, HORACE J. MOILR, ftseond Vlca-Presidenb EDWARD J0HN80N, Her ret ary. CHA8.

A. BOODY, Assistant BeCretary. i TRUSTEES 5 Frederick A. Bnhroeder, Howard M. Smith Horace J.

George L. Pease. Frederick Ward, Bnlomon W. George P. Tangsuan Alonso Slots.

William B. Hill. Edward Rartleth Robert J. Kimball Kugene ft. Blackford Henry w.

Blooatn Daniel F. Lewis, Jacob 0. timer Felix Oampbeil David A. Boody, Cornelius N. Hoagland John E.

Searlee, Jhn B. Botrlee Jr IsidvC bon Bernard Gallacher. James McMahon, Win. B. Davonnort Armory B.


lWd.nt. I. Mowaul MB.f HERMON MORRIH. fieoretary. UKORttR THOMP8UN.

Aeat Horretaw. Atatement al the close of business on Dee. UOto, 1808 made to tha Buperlntpndent of tho Banking Department, RESOURCES: Cish. United States Government bonds Brooklyn City bonds New YorkCity bonds Town of Gravesend Street Improvement bonds Kings County certificate Other atooke and 59 ftft.ft'JO 00 100,000 00 ftO.OOO 00 174.424 00 900,000 00 204,0 00 00 if 694,144 3ft 00 34 Bonds and mortgagee loans on oollsteraL Bills purchaaed, Real estate Interest and oommteaions accrued, 10.117 11,739 9U08.842 40 LIABILITIES. Capital 0 Bnrnlns ftOO.OdO 00 Undivided profits (n3t) 40,130 23 Due depoaitors 48 3.443 S3 Rebate on loans and bills purchased ft.208 18 I Taxes and expense accrued 9,331 19 Total 94,703,842 40 INTEREST ON DAILY BALANCES.

THE 17T nd 170 Monttit* St. Breeklyn N. Y. CAPITAL SI.O0O, OOO Cnpltnl and Karpins exceeding 92750,000. This company Allow Interests on deposit, which may be mads suujeot te oheck at sight or returnable et fixed date, which etoeeks must pass through the Cleanup House.

It is authorized- by sneclai charter te act as Bisector Trnstee, Administrator. UnartUae Receiver, er Any ether position el treat. A executor of estates It secure a safe, prompt And Advantageous distribution of the agme. It is a designated depository for Court- money, gadget as Itegutrsr or Transfer Agent of stocks end bonds gnd as Trustee for railroad or other corporation mort- lfxecates order la all elasae of Inveitment seenritiea, Gnarsniees tetters nf eredtt issued to travelers. 0.

Ghristoneen, Prest. Jae. Ross Curran, flee. Abram B. Baylu Vice-Prest.

Jrsd 0. Colton, Asst, flee, 1 BUBI KIC3 Josiah 0. Low, Aiei.M. White, atiuha! Chauncey, Wm. 3.

Kendall I1. Knowlton. John T. Martin. Fred Cromwell.

John P. Rolfs, HeoryK. bbeidon, 0. D. wood, Wa.H.

Mate, Abram B- Baylt H. W. Maiwril, J. J. Plerreponw 0.

M. Pratt, Geo. Reynold 8. W. Boooock, John Glob, (J.

W. Ohsnncny, C. T. Christensen, INSURANCE. BROOKLYN, N.

OOURT STRRBT. 114 BROADWAY, D. Cash Capital, 81,000,000 OO Cm IMS Dmba 11, (I.I84.T94 LSbUiUM. M40.MI) Of (rvlusa te poll'? tieHm $1,548,744 14 Iwse paid linos 44.4X0.U4 N. Y.

OS VlCUk 47 CEDAR STREET, BANK AND SAFE EEPOSIT COS. BROOKLYN AN K. uapitai, and lutii-Lua IGHQ ISLAND SAFE CF.P0SIT Cl rAtiTU, line Odd. OOKNNS YU! TUV ANU i UNTO It 8TE. UKKl Kimr BI'M MARSIVK HliHuLARTKiMig VAULTS lUeaSlol suss units and writing tn.

to costs Bars 5.00 a. a rn nk rPWARD ATT ARTP A I 1 i i RitiftM AT LOW RATlfc I I i i Lrm.k fn GuKKikeNt Lvtkil le '(. 1 ks Dsuu 1 "-V Pitcher YVeetervelt blgn. Huyler Weeterrelt, tb pitcher ofrthe Kcw Jenny Athletic Club, appearol at Traurer 1 i Talcott oftioe in Broad etriet, New era, -Urday morning and affixed hi name to a i. n-trnct lo plica (or th New lork DeaciallliuO toe isuva..

The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.