O.T. The Health and Fitness thread (2024)

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  • Posted on Apr 17th, 12:45 PM, , User Since 245 months ago, User Post Count: 13842

    • Apr 17th, 12:45 PM
    • 245 months
    • 13842

    Aloha gang,

    I know we have had many threads over the years regarding workouts from lifting, crossfit to the very memorable P90X threads. I thought it would be nice to have one place where you can tell us what you are doing, what's working and what you are having trouble with. etc

    Feel free to share meal plans workouts whatever. Also I would like to hear about some successes.

    I know personally I have dropped 50 lbs 4 times in my life each time gaining it all back and then some.

    I was close to 300 lbs at 5'10" (296) I managed to lose 50 using the weight watcher app just watching my points with no exercise.

    Since then I'm currently doing the Better me app that promotes the 28 day Calisthenics I'm halfway through my second cycle and I'm down to 225 losing several inches off my gut.

    I read the bad reviews on reddit about better me ( regarding billing not whether the program worked ) and took the plunge. I like it because the workouts are short and fairly easy to do. ( except for the lunges) I have bad knees. I have a coach that gives me advice through the app. It has helped a lot. I finally feel that I have a eating plan and exercise regime that is sustainable.

    In addition to the Better me program I'm walking at least 10,000 steps a day.

    I also picked up a 8 lb medicine ball and 2 slam balls one 20lb and a 40 lber. I love these things.

    Another thing I want to incorporate once my better me plan is finished is working with Kettlebells. I have a 20, 25 and 35 lb KB but am having a hard time getting started. There is a great subreddit on reddit that is very informative and the resources are extensive to say the least. At this point I feel clumsy and awkward doing the swing let alone any of the other KB exercises.

    I ordered Simple and Sinister from by Pavel Tsatsouline and I should have that this week. I have also watched his enter the Kettlebell video on Youtube and found that very informative.

    I'm just having trouble beginng.

    As for diet I eat Yogurt parfaits consisting of 1/2 cup blueberries, strawberries one banana a cup of plain greek yogurt ( I like Oiko's high protein plain yogurt ) topped with 1/4 granola and a tbsp chis seeds. I try to eat that every morning. Just have trouble keeping strawberries fresh. For lunch 4 eggs scrambled with veggies and protein. I always have a premier protein shake after workout. Sometimes I don't eat dinner sometimes I do. My appetite is way down. If I'm hungry I'll eat a single portion of salmon or a chicken breat with veggies.

    For my ice cream fetish I've traded in my nightly pint of Chunky Monkey for a single bar of Yasso icecream I love the Coffe chocolate chip as well as the vanilla chocolate crunch.

    I would love to hear about what is working for you and what you are struggling with.



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  • Posted on Apr 17th, 12:54 PM, , User Since 243 months ago, User Post Count: 54732

    • Apr 17th, 12:54 PM
    • 243 months
    • 54732

    I struggle with my sedentary routine at my desk... forcing myself to get up and walk the dog a couple of times a day to take a break and get some downtime. After the draft, I plan on spending more time outdoors and work in the yard, etc... not my favorite thing, but I need to take advantage of the slower football times to get things going.

    I lost nearly 40 pounds last year, put 20 of it back on, have lost five again, and the going is really slow losing it because of the trouble I have finding the time to exercise. I'm also on some medications that make me sleepy, which doesn't help at all.

    I've invested in a standing desk, which helps a bit, and a under-desk stepper, which is hard to use because you can't really type well while using it, but I keep trying stuff.

    This post was edited by BarryMcBride 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:00 PM, , User Since 230 months ago, User Post Count: 3120

    • Apr 17th, 1:00 PM
    • 230 months
    • 3120

    This is going to sound crazy but I found I do much better not eating (fasting) than trying to diet. Once I start eating I just keep eating/snaking. I did a 1 week fast a couple months ago and lost 13 pounds. I should probably do a one day a week fast that many doctors recommend. It really teaches you that you're not to die if you skip a meal.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:12 PM, , User Since 245 months ago, User Post Count: 13842

    • Apr 17th, 1:12 PM
    • 245 months
    • 13842

    bulletbob7 said... (original post) This is going to sound crazy but I found I do much better not eating (fasting) than trying to diet. Once I start eating I just keep eating/snaki...

    Not crazy at all. There are times I go 24 hours without eating and I usually eat something because I'm not hungry but more affraid my metabolism is going to slow down.

    One of the craziest diets I tried was the Penn Jillette potato diet. He explains it in his book Presto where he made 100 lbs disappear. ( It's a excellent read. )Where you eat nothing but potatoes for 2 weeks straight. No oil, no salt, no sour cream no nothing. Nothing but potatoes whether baked boiled or steamed as long as it was just the potato .I dropped 20 lbs in 2 weeks, after the two weeks I got a day of corn. No salt no butter no nother just corn. It was the sweetest best corn I have ever had. The 2 weeks reset my taste buds from all the chemicals and other crap I put in my body that I got a reminder how good food can be of and by itself.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:16 PM, , User Since 236 months ago, User Post Count: 47684

    • Apr 17th, 1:16 PM
    • 236 months
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    I stopped going to fast food establishments for the most part right around the time of the pandemic.

    I wasn’t going to pay 3 dollars for a latte that cost 1 dollar before the pandemic. And it isn’t even made with dairy products. Besides, I make far superior coffee and coffee based beverages at home. For a lot less.

    It’s difficult to get out of paying 7 -10 bucks for a burger and fries these days. Screw that. Often they aren’t that great anyway.

    Since then I’ve ratcheted up my routine at home cooking .

    Steamed veggies, Cauliflower, Broccoli, corn and carrots. Potatoes .

    Salads, hearty breads, pasta ,barbecue, smoked meat and spicy foods. Vinegary sauces, marinades, pickles and dressings.

    American Bar-B-Que, Korean Barbecue, Italian ,Mediterranean, Southwest , Southern and Mexican food are favorites.

    This morning I made a mushroom, garlic, shallot , and green pepper frittata.

    Also tater tots w/ homemade Italian red sauce , cheddar cheese, and a few pickled jalapeños. The sauce was leftover spaghetti sauce w/ ground beef and Italian sausage I made a few days ago.

    Also am back to taking vitamins; B12, D3, and gummy Vitamin C’s . I stopped taking vitamin C a few years ago when it was found I had stomach ulcers. I think the ulcers have cleared up since then. Vinegary foods , sauce's, and too much fat were off the menu for awhile. I’m still supposed to limit them. But I indulge anyway.

    Since starting the vitamin C I have noticed a marked increase of energy. And have gained about 10 needed pounds. Admittedly I am breaking a lot of the rules.

    Butter instead of margarine now. And healthy amounts of fat and protein. I do try to monitor my fat and salt intake .

    Cut way back on lunch meat . And rarely buy frozen entrees . They are full of sodium.

    My energy drink doesn’t come in a can or bottle. Except for one daily Mt. Dew. when at work.

    My energy drink comes in the form of fresh brewed 100% Colombian coffee with a dollop of half-n-half. And several Vitamin C gummies everyday.

    Avoid alcohol.

    Also am active and still working . Naps are a regular part of my routine now. Have been for last several years. I’ll turn 69 in a few months .

    My blood pressure stays around 120/69 . Weight …145 ! Height 6’2”. I’m skinnier than Michael Jackson was. But stronger imo.

    Sometimes I’ll fast . The most difficult thing is making sure to drink more water. I think coffee/caffeine has a tendency to dehydrate you.

    Most days of the week , especially work days, I’ll have a cup of light and lively fruit yogurt on the drive in to work. Maybe a banana or muffin too.

    But I try to eat something every morning so my meds and vitamins get metabolized more efficiently.

    On my first break, I’ll usually eat a sandwich. And skip lunch. Then eat several times at home in the evening.

    Occasionally and if time permits I’ll have a heartier breakfast. Maybe sausage gravy over biscuits or/and an omelet. Or tater tots , bacon and eggs and pancakes. Or French Toast sticks.

    Bon appetite.

    Edited to add. If you peel potatoes, save those skins and fry them in olive oil and butter, salt-pepper when done. So simple yet delicious. Bacon bits go well with the skins. If your diet permits.

    This post was edited by TheShank 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:17 PM, , User Since 274 months ago, User Post Count: 51383

    • Apr 17th, 1:17 PM
    • 274 months
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    I have to admit - many members can benefit from a variety of future contributions to this thread.

    We changed Health Insurance - The called and asked if we wanted a doctor to visit the home. That was a first for us.

    He showed up and did his stuff and talked with us.

    We have a neighborhood swimming pool and he suggested 45 minutes, three days a week. The suggestion was not swimming laps, just movement.

    My wife has talked me into doing a chair exercise class with the retirement community center once a week.

    Cutting the grass is still a form of physical activity.

    We do our share of dancing once a week - usually a Friday night - live band. Close to home.

    Weigh loss is a constant battle, which I lose. I enjoy eating. My wife is a very good cook, and we like to eat at good restaurants occasionally.

    I don't know if other members have the same condition. The meals I eat and enjoy. Many of them are from recipes my mom made for us as children and young adults.

    I smiled when dapound mentioned P90X. It was a good program to accomplish. Problem after an injury - it was hard to get back in the habit.

    This post was edited by ramllov 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:28 PM, , User Since 153 months ago, User Post Count: 10537

    • Apr 17th, 1:28 PM
    • 153 months
    • 10537

    I do Keto 3 straight days…on the 4th day I eat whatever the hell I want…rinse and repeat

    Fast about 16 hours on keto days…never was a breakfast guy anyway. Weight has been consistently in my BMI the last 5 years

    Cardio is overrated imo unless you’re training for something…I cycle 15 miles 2x a week, more for enjoyment than exercise

    Weights on average every other day…stay in the game and don’t lose your muscle mass. Don’t overdue it or try to set records…injuries can affect your health the rest of your life if not careful and doing a properly controlled technique

    It’s not hard but you have to commit to something that works

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:30 PM, , User Since 245 months ago, User Post Count: 13842

    • Apr 17th, 1:30 PM
    • 245 months
    • 13842

    ramllov said... (original post) I have to admit - many members can benefit from a variety of future contributions to this thread.We changed Health Insurance - The called and asked ...

    I remember Ram, Those plylometrics did both of our knees in.

    My sister and her family was here for a week and we made my mom's recipe for pierogi's. They were a bit of work and I really limited myself on how many I ate but they were a nice guilty pleasure.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:36 PM, , User Since 245 months ago, User Post Count: 13842

    • Apr 17th, 1:36 PM
    • 245 months
    • 13842

    BarryMcBride said... (original post) I struggle with my sedentary routine at my desk... forcing myself to get up and walk the dog a couple of times a day to take a break and get s...

    The Better me app has chair yoga and I'm sure there are other examples on youtube if you do not want to spend the coin. Anything is better than being sedentary.

    My wife is a H.R. manager and sits all day. I tried to get her to be more active but she is resistant. They say that sitting is like the new smoking. So bad for you.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 1:43 PM, , User Since 100 months ago, User Post Count: 11831

    • Apr 17th, 1:43 PM
    • 100 months
    • 11831

    Intermittent fasting is the only thing that has worked for me from a diet standpoint.

    Not eating until Noon is usually not a problem for me during the week (not a breakfast person) but cutting out the after 8pm snacking was difficult at first. I am used to it now though and I try to eat relatively healthy but still eat foods I enjoy (and some fast food/sweets) and can maintain my weight as long as I limit it to between Noon-8pm.

    And not recommended from a health standpoint but once or twice a week I will just toss a ZYN in at night and skip dinner.

    This post was edited by OpiesGo 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 2:35 PM, , User Since 245 months ago, User Post Count: 13842

    • Apr 17th, 2:35 PM
    • 245 months
    • 13842

    This is my parfait I’m going to enjoy right now.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 2:47 PM, , User Since 165 months ago, User Post Count: 39063

    • Apr 17th, 2:47 PM
    • 165 months
    • 39063

    Constant battle. After the dog passed so did my walks. Too easy to talk myself out of it. Try to maintain low salt and sugar intake along with portion control. You can lose a good bit of weight with just those 3 things but you have to monitor it. I shoot for no more then 1500mg salt per day and sugar as low as I can. I even go so far as to sub divide my portions.

    I think one of the biggesst things that gets overlooked is how much an actual serving size is and just how easy it is to ignore it. Remember every extra serving also includes all the extra salt and carbs and fats.

    For example a standard box of spagetti is one pound. a single serving size is 2oz. There are 8 servings in a 1lb box. Most people will cook the whole box and put it in a bowl and now you have to scoop out 2 oz's if you want to stick to a single serving. Good luck, because if your real hungry you will not stick to it and even if you do you won't feel full. I have tried to train myself to one serving. Drink more water. I do have a food scale, it helps. Eating less meat overall and more fresh fruits and vegtables. I have even gone so far as to take a tall tuberware and line it completly full with the cardboard center tubes from paper towel rolls. I weigh out a whole box of spagetti into single servings and put those each into one tube. Now when I wan t spaghetti I pull from one tube and I know I get one serving. I do take a natural supplement to control hunger which helps.

    I know some of this sounds fairly strict but I also don't want to be unhappy in my eating. So I do enduldge, just not all the time. Blood pressure and A1 C are my main drivers. Don't want to be on meds if I can avoid it. My biggest issue is exercise. I need to force myself to walk everyday and I would most likely lose more weight. I'm currently about 40 to 50 over my ideal dream weight. If I lost 30 I would be good with that.

    This post was edited by Browns34 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 2:51 PM, , User Since 170 months ago, User Post Count: 3911

    • Apr 17th, 2:51 PM
    • 170 months
    • 3911

    It's not for everyone but I would highly recommend trying a carnivore diet for 30 days to anyone struggle with weight, pain and lack of energy. The benefits of that diet are literally life changing. My father was a mess, gout, horrible arthritis, IBS and problems with his blood pressure and weight. At 70 my cousin who's a doctor told my dad to give it a try and I did it with him for support. For the last 3 years my dad has been on a pure carnivore diet, occasionally he will have a cheat day on holidays or parties but 95% of the time he's full carnivore. He's down 75 pounds, his arthritis is completely gone, he's off his blood pressure meds, zero IBS since starting and hasn't had a gout flare up in years. Last Sunday he walked 18 holes with me at 73(We bought him an electric motor caddie for xmas) He is a completely different human being since trying it. I do it occasionally and immediately see results in my waist and belly. I can't recommend it enough to at least try. When you learn how horrible the American diet is, how most health foods are horrible for you and why all diets typically fail you'll understand why this works so well.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 3:01 PM, , User Since 165 months ago, User Post Count: 39063

    • Apr 17th, 3:01 PM
    • 165 months
    • 39063

    milesjack32 said... (original post) It's not for everyone but I would highly recommend trying a carnivore diet for 30 days to anyone struggle with weight, pain and lack of en...

    How the cholesterol levels fot that type of diet? Meat is usually very high in cholesterol which for me is an issue.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 3:21 PM, , User Since 211 months ago, User Post Count: 10199

    • Apr 17th, 3:21 PM
    • 211 months
    • 10199

    dapound said... (original post) My sister and her family was here for a week and we made my mom's recipe for pierogi's. They were a bit of work and I really limited myse...

    Make the dough by hand - rolling and kneading that flower is a great forearm and hand workout!

    This post was edited by AustinTribeFan 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 3:33 PM, , User Since 236 months ago, User Post Count: 47684

    • Apr 17th, 3:33 PM
    • 236 months
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    Coffee and green tea are good sources of antioxidants. And vitamin supplements help the autoimmune system . Among other things.

    Refined Sugar is probably one guilty pleasure I have the toughest time with. And probably is a big culprit in a lot of weight and health issues.

    Sometimes I will substitute sugar with honey in recipes. And always if having green tea.

    Chew gum regularly because I interact with a lot of people every day. And dont want to have dragon mouth. Usually only sugar-free gum. Not that fond of most artificial sweeteners. Especially Aspartame. And it’s been linked to cancer. But the artificial sweeteners in Dannon yogurt and sugarfree gum doesn’t leave an after taste like aspartame does. And don’t think they have been linked to cancer. But haven’t researched it much tbh.

    This post was edited by TheShank 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 4:12 PM, , User Since 220 months ago, User Post Count: 11111

    • Apr 17th, 4:12 PM
    • 220 months
    • 11111

    Eat more salads and do more Yoga.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 4:23 PM, , User Since 271 months ago, User Post Count: 10210

    • Apr 17th, 4:23 PM
    • 271 months
    • 10210

    I jog 3 times a week in the summer, row or boxing in the winter. Lift weights or Pilates (to help with flexibility) 2 times a week. Also walk for golf 1-2 times per week.

    With the exception for golf I keep it to no more then 40 minutes which makes it manageable for me.

    Overall Mediterranean type foods but have my cheat meals when going out or if I feel like it.

    The supplements I take are a standard greens and a Nitric Oxide (which I HIGHLY recommend). Plus a multivitamin.

    It has done wonders for me, including no more need for a CPAP.

    This post was edited by dscapasso 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 4:30 PM, , User Since 244 months ago, User Post Count: 4287

    • Apr 17th, 4:30 PM
    • 244 months
    • 4287

    dapound said... (original post) Not crazy at all. There are times I go 24 hours without eating and I usually eat something because I'm not hungry but more affraid my metaboli...

    That is crazy !

    I have tried numerous diets over the years and found they all work if you follow them closely .There are two that stand out for me . First the Four Hour Body Diet by Tim Ferris its similar to Keto but you get one cheat day a week where you can eat all you want of anything you want . It works and it worked for me and the cheat day is special. Second is the one Im on now , Intermittent fasting .Im doing 16 to 18hrs of no eating . It is easy once you get used to it and your energy levels are amazing.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 4:36 PM, , User Since 274 months ago, User Post Count: 51383

    • Apr 17th, 4:36 PM
    • 274 months
    • 51383

    I knew we would get some good messages.

    Keep up the good work.

    I did my 45 minutes in the swimming pool as well as a walk there and back.

    30 minutes from now I go to listen to band music for two hours. 25% chance of dancing a little.

    The 257 pick 20th Annual Rookie Mock Draft is completed today. Some members have provided team reports and others should come during the week. This is listed on the Draft Brew Forum.

    I was lucky with an early end to the draft - It usually is Monday or Tuesday of the draft.

    Three doctor appointments - One for a daughter - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

    As we get older the visits to the doctors is more often.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 4:38 PM, , User Since 177 months ago, User Post Count: 33705

    • Apr 17th, 4:38 PM
    • 177 months
    • 33705

    I’m now 58. I never struggled with weight until about 5 years ago. Clothes started not fitting around the waist, etc. I just don’t carry as much muscle as I used to.

    If you see me in clothes, I don’t look fat. But the extra around my middle isn’t good, to me. 5’8”, 203 or so. I still wear my 33 jeans but they are a bit snug at the waist. Suits are snug.

    It’s tough. Changing your diet means planning to change it at the grocery store and dealing with things your spouse may not like to eat. Mine hates most vegetables, for example. I’m the cook. Cooking for me to eat healthy often means cooking 2 things.

    I exercise a lot. Weights 2 out of every 3 days. Upper and lower body. At least 30 minutes of fast walking every day, usually more. Walking one of the dogs, slower. 2900 stairs once/week.

    I just need to eat less and/or less often. It’s what works for me. But I have a habit of nervous eating. If I’m stressed, I eat.

    We did whole 30 a few years back. It worked but it wasn’t easy. Reading every label in the store. No sugar. Everything has sugar.

    This post was edited by FestivusRules 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 4:53 PM, , User Since 211 months ago, User Post Count: 10199

    • Apr 17th, 4:53 PM
    • 211 months
    • 10199

    I highly recommend following Dr. Peter Attia: https://peterattiamd.com/

    Endurance athletic, cardio vascular surgeon, and longevity specialist. He has a new book and a great podcast.

    The eye opener that he provided for me: protein. As we get older it becomes harder to maintain muscle mass. A lot of older people can't do the basic things like lift a bag into the overhead on a plane or pick up their grand kids. We need not only exercise, but adequate protein. He recommends 1 gram per pound of body weight per day. This amount is very tough to achieve especially without over-eating and without supplements. So I have started taking two kinds of protein powder, and my amazing wife makes for me a giant pot of bone broth which I absolutely love; I had a cup with my salad at dinner.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 5:40 PM, , User Since 177 months ago, User Post Count: 33705

    • Apr 17th, 5:40 PM
    • 177 months
    • 33705

    I could never fast. I get a horrible headache and get really irritable. I once went off on a nurse after having to fast for blood work, which I’ve not done since. I’ve not done any of the 3 since. Gone off on someone, fasted, nor blood work. It turns me into a monster. Even just missing breakfast. I think my blood sugar drops way too low.

    This post was edited by FestivusRules 3 months ago

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 5:46 PM, , User Since 250 months ago, User Post Count: 35952

    • Apr 17th, 5:46 PM
    • 250 months
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    My wife (60) and I (59) are way into cross country skiing and gravel/mountain biking. We have the indoor cardio machines but the outdoor activities are so much more enjoyable. It’s got us both in the best shape of our lives. Food- we just never eat out, I’m the cook.

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 6:22 PM, , User Since 165 months ago, User Post Count: 39063

    • Apr 17th, 6:22 PM
    • 165 months
    • 39063

    TheShank said... (original post) Coffee and green tea are good sources of antioxidants. And vitamin supplements help the autoimmune system . Among other things. Refined Sugar is p...

    Great sugar substitute. Can't taste the difference from standard classic sugar. Little less quantitiy for the price from standard sugar but it's all I buy. Use it for your sweets recipes. I buy it on amazon because most stores don't carry it. Yes there are others out there at the stores but they all have that funny taste to them like Stevia. Do not feed to your dog very bad for dogs.

    O.T. The Health and Fitness thread (22)

  • Posted on Apr 17th, 6:28 PM, , User Since 245 months ago, User Post Count: 13842

    • Apr 17th, 6:28 PM
    • 245 months
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    Browns34 said... (original post) Great sugar substitute. Can't taste the difference from standard classic sugar. Little less quantitiy for the price from standard sugar but i...

    When I was Keto I would use Swerve. It contains erythritol. You use it 1:1 sugar and taste great. zero calories. It comes granulated, brown or confectioner. See if they carry it locally or you can always go Amazon which I had to do.

    You can probably get it much cheaper than I can.

    This post was edited by dapound 3 months ago

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.