11 Best Free Online IQ Tests for Kids (2024)

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Want to test your kids’ intelligence quotient level?

As parents, it is our duty to make sure that our children receive a quality education. It is our responsibility to consistently look for ways to improve their learning and knowledge.

As part of this duty, we need to make sure that we understand their learning capacity.

Intelligence quotient is not a measure of how much we know. Rather, it is a measure of our ability to reason out and solve problems. It measures how far the mind can go, rather than how much knowledge we have.

In this article, we share with you a list of the best free online IQ tests that your kids can try to help them measure their learning ability.

Let’s check them out!

1. Free-IQTest.Net

What is rather interesting about this IQ test from Free-IQTest.Net is that the questions can vary according to the taker’s age. It will ask you to input your birthday first, and will then choose the right set of questions for you. After taking the test, you will receive your results immediately. The site will even provide you with a link where you can see what your score means.

On the same page, you will be given an HTML code that you can copy and insert into your blog, page, or online resume. This serves as a badge on your profile, and you can also share it with your friends and colleagues. If you are not happy with the results, you can take another IQ test with a different set of questions.

2. Brain Metrix

This free IQ test from Brain Metrix contains 20 multiple-choice questions. It only takes around 15 to 20 minutes to finish, so your kids shouldn’t feel overwhelmed. You have to make sure, however, that they are relaxed and calm before starting.

Once your child is done, just click on the “submit” button and the site will provide your score and an explanation of it. Note that this test does not measure real intelligence, so if your kid gets a low score, that does not automatically mean that they are mentally lacking. Instead, it measures your children’s current level of understanding.

11 Best Free Online IQ Tests for Kids (1)

3. See My Personality

This online IQ test from See My Personality contains several sections, including memory, analytical thinking, logical reasoning, spatial recognition, and other measures of intelligence. Similar to other IQ tests, it does not seek to measure the amount of knowledge you have. Rather, it aims to discover your brain’s capacity to learn.

See My Personality also provides ways to improve your intelligence quotient if you wish to do so. It also explains how your IQ can play a significant role in your success, and how it can become a predictor of your behavior as life progresses.

4. Free IQTest.Info

What we like about this IQ test page on Free IQTest.Info is that it is simple, clean, and smooth. It is also free, and does not require a subscription for you to get your scores. After completion, it will display your results, including your grade, classification, and how long it took you to complete the test. It will also give you an HTML code that you can use to show your IQ on your blog profile.

There are 20 questions included in this test and they are based on the WAIS IQ score formula. Time is essential, as it will reflect in your final score, but don’t let that pressure you. Furthermore, the results are anonymous, so you are ensured that your scores will be confidential.

5. Memorado

Memorado’s IQ test is clean and simple. We highly recommend it for kids since the questions are not that difficult for them, but they are also not so easy as to be considered irrelevant. The site is also very easy to navigate, so your kids will have an easy time using it.

The site calls itself a “gym for the brain,” and provide more than just tests and quizzes. It also features games and training devices that can help you achieve your intelligence goals. If you wish to train your brain (and your kids’ brains) and improve your intellectual capacity, this is a great site to check out.

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6. Test Yourself

Test Yourself by PsychTests is a mix of an intelligence test and a personality test. You need to answer the intelligence quotient part first. Next, you answer a few basic questions about your gender, date of birth, level of education, etc. Finally, you will provide answers about how you value yourself in terms of academic performance, work performance, etc.

There are also questions about disabilities and incapacities. If you are diagnosed as a person with a disability, you will need to answer truthfully in order to get accurate results. Once done, you will be sent to a page where you will find your general average and IQ results. If you want a detailed and personalized report, you will need to purchase it for $6.59.

7. IQ Test Prep

The IQ Test Prep site has a disclaimer that this free IQ test does not provide a numerical IQ score. It only offers a table of how your score compares to the average test taker. The site also has a paid IQ test if you really want to test your intelligence quotient and receive a numerical score.

We like this IQ test page because it is neat and clean. Children will have an easy time navigating the site and answering the questions. If your kids need to retake the test for some reason, they can always do so. You can even view the correct answers to the questions they missed and discuss them with your kids over a snack.

11 Best Free Online IQ Tests for Kids (2)

8. 123 Test

123 Test offers two kinds of IQ tests. One is the “Culture Fair Intelligence Test” and the other is the “Classical Intelligence Test.” The main difference between the two is that the Culture Fairis certified, while the Classicalis not. Likewise, Culture Fairis specifically designed for non-English natives, while Classicalis most appropriate for native speakers.

Your kids can take both tests for free. Once done, they will be prompted to indicate their gender, age, country, and education level. These details are essential for the system to compute and analyze the scores. After submitting, the results will be shown along with the correct answers for each of the questions in the test.

9. Testometrika

Testomerika’s IQ test specifically caters to children who are 7 to 16 years old. It consists of 36 questions that focus on mental clarity and abstract reasoning. Children are shown a series of pictures that are arranged in a particular pattern, then they need to figure out what the next image should be.

Final two questions are about the kid’s age and gender. These are important factors to determine the child’s IQ, so it is essential to answer them. Once done, your kid’s score and results will be provided, with an indication of the child’s need for help (if any exists).

10. Fun Education

Fun Education’s IQ test consists of 201 questions that are divided into several categories. According to the site, it is an “adaptive test,” which means that the first few questions are easy and then they get harder as you proceed. Being adaptive, the level of difficulty of the succeeding questions depends on the correctness of the questions the child has already answered.

The site indicates that this particular IQ test is most suitable for children 6 to 16 years old. It takes around 40 to 60 minutes to finish, but your child doesn’t need to finish it in one sitting. There is no time limit, and children are allowed to take it on their own terms.

11. Psycho-Tests

This IQ test from Psycho-Tests takes around 25 to 30 minutes to complete. It is specifically designed for children who are 7 to 8 years old and tests their spatial thinking, mathematical abilities, and general analyzing skills. It aims to help children reach their maximum potential and help parents and teachers support their children accordingly.

The test does not discriminate between good and bad students. Special knowledge is not needed for this test, because it only measures how much the child knows and how much potential they have to learn.


Before deciding how to manage your children’s education, it is a good idea to test their IQ.

If your kid gets a low score, that does not automatically mean that they are not intelligent. The result only shows what your kids need to help them enjoy the learning process and study without feeling unduly pressured.

Finally, if you want to increase your happiness and life satisfaction, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's important.

11 Best Free Online IQ Tests for Kids (3)
11 Best Free Online IQ Tests for Kids (2024)


What is the most legit IQ test online free? ›

One of the most well-known online exams available to you is Free-IQTest.net. It has 20 questions that will measure your IQ score accurately. After this test, you have to give your birth date since the test calculates your IQ score based on your age. This way, you may compare yourself to your peers.

What is the most accurate IQ test for kids? ›

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children is the most widely used test of intelligence for children aged 6 through 16 years. There are currently two different editions of the WISC.

What's the average IQ for a 11 12 year old? ›

11 year olds – Average IQ between 96-116. 12 year olds – Average IQ between 97-117. 13 year olds – Average IQ between 99-120. 14 year olds – Average IQ between 100-121.

What is the best IQ test for 12 year olds? ›

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is an IQ test and assesses cognitive abilities in children between the ages of 6 and 16 years old. It is widely used in educational institutions to identify strengths and weaknesses in cognitive functioning, and to inform educational and intervention planning.

What is the most trustable IQ test? ›

9 reliable IQ tests
  1. Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS) ...
  2. Mensa practice test. ...
  3. Stanford-Binet intelligence scales (SBIS) ...
  4. Brain metrics initiative (BMI) online IQ test. ...
  5. Woodco*ck-Johnson (WJ) test of cognitive abilities. ...
  6. IQ test labs. ...
  7. Raven's progressive matrices (RPM) ...
  8. Psychtests.

Is freeiqtest.net legit? ›

Recent quality reports have classified free-iqtest.net with a low risk profile as most accounts originating from this domain are valid and safe. Free-iqtest.net is currently ranked as the 129,594th most popular website online based on visits from recent web traffic.

What is the strongest predictor of a child's IQ? ›

Empirical evidence suggests that especially parental education, parental income, and maternal IQ are important predictors of intelligence.

What is the average kid's IQ? ›

A normal child belongs to 90-109 I.Q. level. When a person's mental age is equal to his actual age, he is said to have an average IQ. If an individual's IQ lies in the 90-109 range, it means his/her IQ is average.

What IQ is genius for child? ›

130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted. 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted. 180 and up: Profoundly gifted.

What is a gifted IQ for a 12 year old? ›

To be classified as gifted, most education departments require children to have an IQ score at or above 130 on a standardised test administered by a psychologist. However, a child can be classified as being mildly gifted with an IQ score of 115–129.

Is 122 IQ high for a 12 year old? ›

IQ tests are a measure of cognitive ability and are often used to assess intelligence. An IQ of 122 is considered to be in the "superior" range, which generally corresponds to an IQ score of 130 or above. However, IQ scores alone do not provide a complete picture of a person's intelligence or potential.

What IQ is considered genius? ›

Historical IQ classification tables
IQ Range ("ratio IQ")IQ Classification
Above 140"Near" genius or genius
120–140Very superior intelligence
110–120Superior intelligence
90–110Normal, or average, intelligence
3 more rows

What is the most accurate free IQ test for kids? ›

Therefore, here are some of the most popular IQ tests that you and your children can take according to your needs.
  1. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test. ...
  2. Wisc-r Intelligence Test. ...
  3. Leiter Intelligence Test. ...
  4. MentalUP Intelligence Test.
Mar 21, 2023

Is 130 IQ high for a 12 year old? ›

Is it okay to have an IQ of 130 at 12 years old? It is OK to have that IQ at ANY age. An IQ of 130 falls it the “Superior” range when compared to same age peers.

What is the highest IQ ever recorded for a 12 year old? ›

A 12-year-old boy who scored the maximum in an IQ test says football still comes first. Rory Bidwell, from Great Torrington, Devon, joined the ranks of Mensa after acing the Cattell III B test with 162, the top score for children.

Are online IQ tests legitimate? ›

Some online IQ tests are well-researched and provide reliable results, but others may be less accurate, serving more as entertainment than a true measure of intelligence.

Where can I get a real IQ test? ›

If you're pleased with your score, you might want to consider taking a properly administered and supervised IQ test. If so, please get in touch with your local Mensa office (or contact Mensa International if your country isn't on this list).

What is IQ for a normal person? ›

IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate a normal IQ range or average intelligence. Individual adults usually score somewhere between the 70-130 range, with 100 being the theoretical average.

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